المستخلص: |
للنور أهمية في حياة العباد، بل لجميع المخلوقات، الحياة لا يمكن أن تستمر من دون نور ، فالله تعالى سمى نفسه نوراً، ووصف نفسه بالنور ، وجعل نور مخلوقاته من نوره، وجعل كتبه نوراً، ونبيه نورا، ودينه نورا، وصلاته نورا، وجعل في قلوب أوليائه نورا، وجعل دار كرامته نورا.
Light has an importance in the life of worshippers, even to all creatures , and life won’t continue without it, and “Alla” , His Highness has named Himself as, “Light”, and described Himself as, ”Light” ,and made the light of His creatures from His light , and He made His Books, “Light” ,His prophet “Light” ,His religion, “light”, His prayer , “light” and He made light in His believers’ hearts, and He made His paradise “light”, and he prohibited “light” from the disbelievers.