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الحالات التي يحرم على الرجل فيها وطء زوجته مع بقاء النكاح : قسم العبادات ، الصلاة - الصوم - الاعتكاف - الحج : دراسة فقهية مقارنة

المصدر: مجلة دار الإفتاء المصرية
الناشر: دار الافتاء المصرية
المؤلف الرئيسي: العيد، محمد حسين (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع 14
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2013
التاريخ الهجري: 1433
الشهر: يوليو / شعبان
الصفحات: 90 - 118
رقم MD: 506833
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: إذا أحرم الزوجان معًا أو الزوج وحده دون زوجته، فإنه يحرم عليهما الجماع بالإجماع، وسواء كان الإحرام إحرام فرض كحجة الإسلام، أو إحرام واجب كالنذر، أم إحرام نفل كحجة التطوع أو عمرة التطوع، وأما الزوجة إذا أحرمت بإذنه الزوج فلا يحل له جماعها بحال من الأحوال حتى تنتهي من نسكها بلا خلاف بين العلماء، فإذن أحرمت بغير إذنه -إحرام نذر أو نفل- فله منعها وتحليلها وجماعها، حاشا إذا أحرمت بحجة الإسلام، فليس له منعها، ولا يحل تحليلها ولا جماعها على الراجح، وهو مذهب الجمهور. والله أعلم.

Instances when It Is impermissible for a man to engage In sexual intercourse This paper is a legal examination of the most important instances when it is prohibited for a man to engage in sexual intercourse with his wife without invalidating the marriage. The study is supported with transmitted evidences as well as with legal principles and criteria. It includes a preface, introduction, four chapters, conclu¬sion, and a bibliography and subject index. The preface includes opening words and invocations, an elucidation of the importance of this paper and the people's need for being acquainted with the rulings and particulars of the research topic, the ulterior objective of marriage and how it is encouraged by Islamic law. The introduction includes the most important princi¬ples and juristic criteria associated with the research topic. The chapters deal with the instances when it is prohib¬ited for a man to engage in sexual intercourse with his wife without invalidating the marriage with respect to matters of ritual worship such as salat (prayers), sawm (fasting), i'tikaf (spiritual retreat), and ihram (state of pilgrim sanctity). The first chapter is devoted to the prohibition of sexual intercourse to such instances as when prayer time is tight. The second chapter addresses the prohibition of engag¬ing in sexual intercourse when the spouses are fasting, instances of permissibility, if any, and the consequent effects. The third chapter explores the instances when it is pro¬hibited or permissible for a married couple to engage in sexual intercourse during i'tikaf and the consequent effects. The fourth section deals with the instances when it is prohibited for a married couple to engage in sexual in¬tercourse during ihram and any exceptions that may in- validate the rites of hajj (pilgrimage) necessitating mak¬ing up their hajj. The conclusion includes the most important results reached. A bibliography and subject index follow the conclu¬sion. Finally, I ask Allah to grant me the highest place in Para¬dise and to make my effort in this paper sincere for His sake and a cause for happiness in this world and in the Here-after. And may peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad and upon his household, Com¬panions, and those who follow them in righteousness until the day of Judgment.

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