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ناقش هذا المقال غموض الروايات فيما ورد من أخبار الشاعر سحيم عبد بني الحساس، الذي ذكرت الروايات أن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم تمثل بقوله: كفى الشيب والإسلام للمرء ناهيا، وأن عبد الله بن ربيعة والد الشاعر عمر بن أبي ربيعة الذي كان على الجند عرضه على عثمان رضي الله عنه، فأعرض عثمان عن شرائه، وذهبت الروايات إلى أنه أنشد عمر بن الخطاب يائيته التي مطلعها: عميرة ودع إن تجهزت غاديا كفى الشيب والإسلام للمرء ناهيا فقال له إنك مقتول، ثم قتل هذا الشاعر في خلافة عثمان لفحشه: ناقش المقال الأزمان في حياة هذا الشاعر إذ لا يعقل أن يستشهد الرسول صلي الله عليه وسلم بشعره ،ثم يعرض من بعد علي عثمان لشرائه، ثم ينشد عمر يائتيه ، فيقول له إنك مقتول ليقتل في زمان خلافة عثمان. والالتباس واقع من جهة أن الشاعر وفق هذه الروايات، قد كان في زمان الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم شاعرا- ناضجا يستشهد بشعره، ثم يعرض منكرا" غلاما شاعرا" على عثمان ليشتريه، ثم يأتي الخليفة عمر بن الخطاب لينشده قصيدته التي أولها تورع، يتلوه فحش غليظ، ثم يقتل من بعد في خلافة عثمان [23ه- 35ه] وهذا يعني أنه كان قد أسن، وبلغ من الكبر عتيا، ولم يقتل في عنفوان صبواته، أيام التهتك والعبث: إذا شق برد شق بالبرد مثله دواليك حتى كلنا غير لابس ولم يشأ المقال أن يطرح الروايات كلها، وإنما عمد إلى التوفيق بين شعره وأخباره، حتى انتهى إلى ترتيب يطمئن إليه صاحبه.
This article discusses the ambiguity which is resulted from the dissimilar versions of the life story of the poet Suheem Abd bani Al Hashass. One of the stories tells that the prophet Mohamed (Alla bless him and grant him salvation) quoted him when he said : Getting old and Islam prevent people from committing sins. Stories also tell us that Abdulla bin Abi Rabeea, father of the poet Omer bin abi Rabeea, who was the chief commander of the army offered the poet (Suheem) to Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) for sale to be a slave. However, Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) refused the offer. One more story is that, the poet read to Omer bin Alkhatab (may Alla be pleased with him) the first verse of his famous poem which all of its verses end in the Arabic equivalent of the letter (Y). The meaning of the verse reads as follows: Say goodbye to Omayra when preparing yourself to go away Getting old and Islam prevent from committing sins. After hearing this verse, Omer (may Alla be pleased with him) said to the that he was going to be killed. According to the story, the poet was killed during Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) era for his immorality and repugnant attitudes. The articles discusses the different versions of the poet's life stories because of the ambiguity resulted from the these versions. Thus, it does not make sense when the prophet Mohamed (Alla bless him and grant him salvation) quoted the poet's poetry and the Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) refused to buy him as a slave. Then Omer (may Alla be pleased with him) said to the poet that he was going to be killed when he had read one of his poem. Ironically, the poet was killed during Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) era. According to these stories, the misunderstanding has occurred because the poet was a mature and poet who had been cited by others during Prophet Mohamed (Alla bless him and grant him salvation) era and the same person was a young boy offered for sale to Othman (may Alla be pleased with him) . then the same poet went to Omer (may Alla be pleased with him) to read him his poem which starts with piety and followed by an immoral verse. According to the story the poet was killed during Othman ear (23-35 H) which means he was an old man then and was not killed while his immorality days. The article dose not tackle all the poet's life stories as it is intended to make a balance between his poetry and his life details so as a logic order of events is maintained.