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الحريم السلطاني ودوره في الدولة العثمانية حتي عام 1656م

المؤلف الرئيسي: الدوري، فؤاد قحطان رجب محمد (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Al Douri, Fouad Qahtan Rajab
مؤلفين آخرين: الرديني، يوسف عبدالكريم طه مكي (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2010
موقع: تكريت
التاريخ الهجري: 1431
الصفحات: 1 - 248
رقم MD: 612786
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة تكريت
الكلية: كلية التربية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: A big number of historians and researchers paid a great attention to the history of Ottoman state, and studied many of its aspects. They could established a wide, powerful state and were able to collect the human elements cultures which were joined in one crucible, in spite of their diversity in languages, religions and customs, to make these elements exist in a stable status in com parable for many centuries. Through these centuries, they could established their institutions in the form that made them with the level of the great states. This didn’t happen only because of their military power, but with the cooperation of many elements that produced such a powerful establishment which witnessed its climax in the 16th century A.D. as the state reached its highest point of power and glory. But soon its interior structure was infected by the weakness elements. The Sultanic harem’s role and their intervention in the Othmnic policy presented one of the most important reasons that participated in the state weakening, consequently hindering its natural path. The studier for the Ottoman history couldn’t omit the Sultanic harem’s role and their influence on the interior and exterior policy events of the state, and on drawing its features in critical periods in which the state was in dire need of well qualified men to leader and deliverance it from the problems that were facing. This study aims to research the subject (The Sultanic Harem and its Role in Ottoman Policy 1520- 1656 A.D.). This period witnessed the beginning of interference of the first class ladies of the sultanic harem in the political life through the age of “Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanony”, increasing their political roles after this sultan’s death until culminated in the latest of 16th century and all during the first half of the next century. Their interference in the rule affairs in creased and they gradually controlled the fates of the state and society until their political influence was destroyed in 1656 A.D. immediately after the occupation of Cupperlo Family on the position of the great front in the Ottoman state.

The researcher’s choice for this subject is an attempt to reparation in the field of Ottoman studies. The Arabic library generally, and the Iraqi’ sespecially is in need of a documented study specialized in the Ottoman harem, especially that the most of these studies concentrated on the political roles of the Ottoman state’s great men of all their positions and roles. Therefore, the choice for this subject, which falls within the historical and social studies, represents a new scope of view by removing to the harem’s roles in the Ottoman policy, the range of standing which the first class ladies in the sultanic palace were obtained, their effective contribution in controlling the rule affairs and their great role which couldn’t be ignored in making the political decision of the state during the research’s time. In fact, taking up this subject is not simple, as it is surrounded with much difficulties. The sultanic harem’s subject is characterized by serious difficulties due to its sensitivity which complicates taking it up and entering its special world, since harem in all its classes were living behind the so impregnable walls faraway from the outside world. Besides, the information about them, in general, were very rare, as the historians through their works about the Ottoman state history, especially the formers, didn’t mention a lot of details about the sultanic harem’s subject and restricted to few information which some of them were obscure. The reason behind that is the Ottoman sultans considered the spread of their women’s news one of the prohibited matters which conflicted with their customs and traditions. Also, they prevent their women from association with the commons, of which decreased from the historical information about this exciting world. Abdul Aziz Muhammad Al-Shinnawy, the Egyptian historian, in the first part of his book named (The Ottoman State is a slanderer Islamic one), refers in this connection saying: [Harem is a very difficult subject in the history of the Ottoman statedue to the littleness of the scientific matters about it, as the sultanic harem in all its classes and forms were living behind the very impregnable walls faraway from the outside world]. He adds, transcribed from the Armani author “Mouradja Dohsson “ who wrote about the Ottoman state referring to the sultanic harem’s subject saying: [He faced real difficulties in acquainted with a scientific trustworthy subject about this matter. He also contacted with some of sultans’ wives who left the palaces after their husbands’ death, as well as contacted with the lasses who previously stayed in the palaces, being manumitted and then married them. He said that he offered these and those precious gifts for seduction to provide him with information. He also said that the investigation being done concerning this subject cost him much more troubles than the other parts of his book which includes seven volumes]. The historian “ Penzer”, who wrote about harem in the Ottoman state, referred that most of who wrote about harem and castration subjects wrote under pseudonyms, and this confirms the sensitivity of the subject.

The study includes an introduction and four chapters with a conclusion. The first chapter named (The beginnings of weakness and its indications and influence on emergence of the sultanic harem’s phenomenon and their intervention in the Ottoman policy) is considered as an introduction to the research, as it deals with the beginnings of the Ottoman state weakness which were important factors that contributed in the occurrence of harem’s role. The second chapter is devoted to study the organizational structure of sultanic harem’s foundation in the Ottoman state through acquainting with the nature of this foundation and its most important components to which were divided. The third chapter deals with (The role of sultanic harem in the Othmaic policy 1520- 1595 A.D.) through presenting the first beginnings of harem in tervention in the Ottoman policy which happened in the age of “sultan Suleiman Al-Qanony” by the role and the effective power played by his wife “Roxcilana” in the state policy. Besides their effective roles through the age of “sultan Murad”, the third, especially the role of his mother“ Noorbano” and her intervention in the rule affairs, as well as her contribution in the external affairs of the state. While the fourth chapter deals with the study of (The role of harem in the Ottoman policy life 1595- 1656 A.D.). The chapter was concluded by clarifying the direct and effective role of harem through taking authority directly and their controlling with the state fates, and has been named (The age of harem sultanate 1623- 1656 A.D.). Also a part of this chapter was devoted to study the endowments of sultanic harem ladies.

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