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المستشرق دانيل دينيت والضرائب الإسلامية حتي نهاية العصر الأموي : دراسة تاريخية نقدية

المؤلف الرئيسي: المجمعي، مثنى عباس عواد (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Awwad, Muthana Abbas
مؤلفين آخرين: التكريتي، بهجت كامل عبداللطيف (مشرف) , الجبوري، عدي سالم عبدالله حمد (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2012
موقع: تكريت
التاريخ الهجري: 1433
الصفحات: 1 - 448
رقم MD: 613419
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة: جامعة تكريت
الكلية: كلية التربية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: When one investigate the Islamic studies today found that the economic researches attract the attention of few orientalists scholars, this attraction due to scientific and practical reasons in general. The economic studies in addition of its basic importance in the systems of any era of eras lead to political and economical issues which has its deep influence during the period concern. Many researches tend to deal with taxes same of its known by seriousness quality which their authors expend genuine efforts in order to grasp all parts of the subject and to manifest its obscures. Many orientalists did their best according to documents, sources, and preceding contradictive studies in order to build up a complete story of that interesting historical subject. At the same time there are several researches which fail to present full comprehension of the concern subject and restricted on one aspect such historical materials or jurisprudence books or represented what have already published before. Moreover several publications limited their interests to study one Islamic tax without any attention of the other taxes. In general most of these scholars succeeded to reach to what they projected to and gave sufficient interpretations for many doubtless and unclear matters. While others failed to a achieve their desires due to the un adequate instruments. For this reasons come out with views and explanations of the reality. Such points of view let specialists to stand against it and able to prove by eogent arguments the offense they adopted; the ideas which became by passing of time acceptable theories. For these reasons we choose this topic as a field of study in order to shed comprehensive lights on the Islamic tax during the early classical period of Islam; clear many ambiguous aspects and setting off its origin during the formation of the state. Moreover , Arabs and Muslims scholars are in great need to correct orientalists view about Islamic history in general and Islamic tax in practical. Orientalist thought that there are no Islamic tax and Arabs have no pervious idea of tax, revenue and administration. They only impose tribute (Atawa) paid by the residents of the conquered regions whatever the case may be. After that Arab rulers gave these tributes the name of the Sassanid's and Byzantines taxes. In other words Arab rulers borrowing the naming not the contents. There are few reasons behind choosing the orientalist Daniel Dennett as an example of orientalists who already study the Islamic tax during the period concern.

Dennet is well known as fair scholar. He presents definite proofs against the errors, few orientalists from half a century ago about Islamic tax. These false opinions became some theory adopted by those who come after, and by passing time it get bigger and bigger because what they added by consecutively. Moreover Diannet's outcome regards as anew correction in this thorough research. For these reasons the study of orientlistism the Islamic tax of a great importance. Many difficulties faced the author during the last three years of preparing the thesis, such as the accurate succession of the contemporary Muslims narrators and the years after. The other difficulty which come out of the above, the disfributions of their narratives on large amounts and different sources such as (Historical, Juristical, Literature, biographies sources)….etc. We are obliged to follow all these various kinds of sources in order explore the beginning of the Islamic tax and its evolution. The huge number of narratives which appear rebuttal we have found is conceder another problem which face the researcher. Sorts of narratives lead to confusion if not studied steadily to enable us to demarcate the sound one's competence to each incident. Such study will lead to pave contrariety of the various narratives. This work consist of five chapters besides conclusion and several affixeds. The first chapter deal with tax under the Sassiands and Byzantine roles which means the tax known to conquered lands; it divides into two sections. Section (a)concerning the tax at Byzantines empire its various kinds, its assessment the used to distribute these tax and impose it another people. This section also discuss who was the person responsible to legislate taxes, who was the person to assitamite it quantity; collected it and the ways outlays in addition part of this section deals with the methods of collecting tax from wealthy persons and the ways that the Emperor issued the decrease from the paths of gathering taxes. This section also sheds light on rotten works and complex methods of collecting tax. At the end we refer to the lower class of people who suffered of heavy taxes which forced them to leave their lands and villages and take refuge in towns leads to patronage system (Nizam al- himaya). The second section devotes to discuss Sassinads tax followings the same teaps of the first section with slight differences. The second chapter examines tax of Arabic and Islamic state in three sections; the first one concerns with Jiza, its definition, legitimacy, and the purposes of its impose of the Ahl- al- Dhimma (non Muslim subjects). The classes who paid Jiza, and whom are exempted from it. Moreover the section deal with tax during the life of prophet Muhammad (God Bess him and grant him salvation) especially the peace treaties which specified on the pay of Jiza as by individual or collective. After that we discuss the Jiza during Rashid's Khulafat (the Orthox Caliphs) with concentration on Caliphs Umar modifications which settle the money payment according to the rank of persion (poor, middle class, rich) and their incomes. We followed that by discussing Jiza under ummayyads which is regarded as the continuation of Rashids Caliphs with little changes because of certain conditions faced the government at that time.

The second section shades light on the land tax (AL- Kharaj); its definition, legitimacy and the regulations set up by the Caliph Umar we started with the problem when the fitters wanted to regard conquered land as a pooty (Ghanina) distributed between them without sharing other Muslim. The Caliph Umar succeed to consider conquered land as (fay,) bestowal for all Muslims while pooty restricted on movable property. The section also deals with the enforcements of Caliph Umar on the rural area of Iraq (al- Sawad) marking the stripe regulation which had adopted after the triumphs including its land survey (Mish) and the amount of land tax especially land green up with wheat, barley them other production gradually. As for paying the land tax the general trend was to pay other by coins or production at the same time. In addition the section bringing the attention on Caliph's Umar regulation in Bilad al- Sham which was proceeding by census for people and land as the Caliph impose on sawad land. The land tax in Bilad al- Sham was not conform due to nature of the region which On rainfall. After that Umar in Djazira region teaks it place in this section. When the land tax regulated after the conquest of the region according to the land's capacity fixed. The third chapter deals with Diennet biography as an example for a distinguished Orientalist who concentrated his study on Islamic tax. The structure of this chapter busied on five section. Section (a) grasps all aspects of his life (academic travels, crier, position I his main publishes), section (b) deals with his procedure to Islamic tax. While section (c) focuses the materials and sources used by Diennet and clearly the methods which he adopted to treat historical materials under his disposal. The section also throw lights on the reasons which might contents Diennet to accept this narrative not the others. Section (d) deals with opinions of several Muslims and non Muslims in Diennet publications. The last section gives an outline on American's orientalist school. The fourth chapter investigates Islamic tax in Sawad from orientalist view is three section. Section (a) composes on wellhausen (1844-1918) theory about tslamic tax which adopted by Caetani, Ieone (1869-1926), Becker, C.H. (1876-1933) and Dennett's efforts to refute it. Section (b) examines orientalist view on Islamic tax in Sawad area. While section (c) follows orientalist methods in dealing with Islamic tax in Khurasan during early period of Islam. The five chapter studies thoroughly orientalists theories about Islamic tax in regions used to be under Byzantine rule (Bilad al- Sham, D Jazira, Misr). This chapter is divided into three section each one deals with one region of the mentioning above. Presenting full picture of Islamic tax at that according to orientalists view. Finally we point out the conclusion which content more prominent basic issues the study accomplish.