المستخلص: |
Synthesis of the compound Number( 1) through the reaction (Lab11) with anhydride acetic acid and using anhydrous sodium acetate acatalyst Synthesis anumber of new derivatives of chalcones by condensing with aldehydes not contain the appropriate alfa hydrogen atom Two new methods for Synthesis of derivatives chalcones , were estimated through the use of Ultra Sonic waves , or through the direct crushing without solvent in a porcelain mortar . These two methods were unique in being very fast with high yield , as well it was possible to prepare some derivatives not easily , in addition usuall methods were used to prepare compounds (2-15) . Synthesis of new chalcones derivatives containing on the epoxide (oxirane ring) compounds (16-29) , others contained bromine compounds (30-43) , urea derivatives compounds (44-57) , and hydrazine derivatives compounds (58-71) , and synthesis anumber of polymers (72-77) , and synthesis anumber of new derivatives polymymers compounds (78-83) . These substances were detectedthrough examination by Infra Red spectra, Ultra Violet spectra and Nuclear Magnatic Resonance spectra for some of them . The biological activity of the prepared compounds estimatedthat they are more capable of supperessing .