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شعر الفرسان بين الجاهلية وصدر الإسلام : دراسة موازنة

المؤلف الرئيسي: هيشان، فوزية ثامر (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الجميلي، صالح علي حسين (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2012
موقع: تكريت
التاريخ الهجري: 1434
الصفحات: 1 - 193
رقم MD: 614162
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة: جامعة تكريت
الكلية: كلية التربية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: The Old Arabic Poetry is Considered a record of the history of Arabs, It is full of Pride, Values and good deeds. It is a real Portriate of their wars, their ethics, values, habits and conventions. It also consists areflection of most of Various Fields of life The literary Studies Still includes the Old – Arabic Poetry, though the nature of subjects are different among the Candidates and researehers, So this Study aims to Study the Chivalry Poetry in the Pre – Islamic and early Islamic Era Comparative Study, altracts my interest in chivalry Poetry the reasons because of many reasons, one of is that It is Found that this subject, is a genuine Portriate of all Kinds of knights chivalry, it represents many as pects of the lifes, Since those Knights had brought up in a similar environment, but their Objective had been different. It has been found that the poetry of those Knight, had been ignored completely, though its material is widespread in literary, historical and biographic books. Chivalry Poetry Moreover, the comparative studies had not studied the Poetry of those Knights in the Pre – Islamic and Islamic Poetry, For the best Knowledge of the researcher. But, there are literary studies that have not indicated the characteristics of their poetry Such as ( Alshuara Al Fursan ) by Butris Al – Bustani, ( hivalery in Pre – Islamic poetry ) Written by Dr. Noori Hamoodi Al – Qeissy and ( Shuaraa Al – Arab Al – Fursan Fi Aljahilyia Wa Sadr Al Islam ) Pre – Islamic and Islamic Era Written by Dr. Mahmood Hassan Abu Nagi. Besides, This Study depends. On several chivalry poets in Pre – Islamic and Islamic Era they are chosen according to what had been mentioned in the previous books.

In this study, we try to shed light on aspects that are still hidden, and to direct the attention to Pre – Islamic and Islamic poetry to add to the Islamic and Arabic libray humble effort to form one tributary among unwuntable others. The expansion of chivalry poetry helps to include two cras (Pre – Islamic and Islamic ) that are liable to the expansion of its resources, Chapers and variety, No doubt, the huge number of the resources is problematic. So, many Various resourses, historical, literary and Critic are depend Such as ( The history of Al – Tabri ), ( Futoh Al Buldan ) Written by Al Balathri, ( Al – Shir and Al – Shuara ) Written by Ibn Quteiba. The signs of outlook of mircals, Dalael Al- Igaz, written by Abdul Qahir Al – Grgani and ( Tareh Al – Adab Arabi ) by Shawqi Deif. This study wanders in the chivalry poems of that period, this study includes : an introduction, four chapters and conclusion. In the Introduction. In the Introduction there is an entery to chivalry ( Definition of the term ) and then the reasons behind chivalry has been explained. The first chapter is entitled ( The Purposes of Pre – Islamic chivalry poetry ) It consists of three sections the first is specified for praising, Pride and Warmth. The Second is for Satirize, Flattering and Lamentation The third is for Description, and comparat is at the end of the chapter. The Second Chapter is entitled ( The technical characteristics of Pre – Islamic chivalry poetry ). It consists of three sections, the first contains the structure of the poem, and stanza, the second the poetic music, the third the rhetoric picture and the contrast is in the end of the chapter. The Third Chapter is entitled ( The Poetry of Early Islam ). It includes ; the introduction and the reasons for chivalry in the early Islam and the purpose of Early Islamic chivalry poetry, The first includes , Prasing, Pride and warmth, the Second contains Satarize and lamentation, the third is for description, at the end of the chapter, there is the contrast. Chapter Four is entitled the technical characteristics of Early Islamic Chivarly Poetry. It contains three Sections, the first discusses the Structure of the poem and Stanza, the Second includes the Poetic melody, the third is the rhetorical picture and contrast is at the end of the chapter. In Conclusion, there is a Summary of the results that summed sup by the researcher followed by a list of refereces, bibiliography and an appendis in the English Language.

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