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الغربة والاغتراب فى روايات ( غائب طعمة فرمان )

المؤلف الرئيسي: عبدالحميد، ميساء نبيل (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الجميلي، صالح علي حسين (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2011
موقع: تكريت
التاريخ الهجري: 1432
الصفحات: 1 - 246
رقم MD: 614988
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة تكريت
الكلية: كلية التربية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: The thesis is concerned with the study of an outstanding Iraqian, literary character: (Ghaib Tuma Farman) who worked since the late fourties of the twentieth century in and written several short stores that most crities consider him the piereer for Iraq art novel. He spent a long period outside his home land (Iraq), he tried to express his agonies , loneliness and homesick alienation Most of his novels express this starting from Alnakhla wal Geeran (datepalm and the neighbours) till the last (almarkab) in 1989, Because seldom studies had written or no study , it encouraged me to study this topic of master degree in recent Arabic literature . The study is concerned with an introduction and preamble and eight chapters followed by a conclusion. The preamble related to the main approaches and terms like (Alienation) lexically and linguistically. Then I searches the types of alienation for it is related to the insight of human beings and it is constructed inside the psychological state of a person who is exiled .The setting has its role like the place which is away from home or it is a time alienation like social alienation in which the person looses phatic communion and he is not able to coope with the society, or it is a political alienation or psychological.

Then I presents the life of (Farmen) in Baghdad, whose life was difficult because of poverty, his educational stages which is in five, the first in Baghdad till secondary stage, then he joines college of Arts in Cairo University . And here he has been truely influenced by the critics There. Then the second Iraqi stage after returning back to Iraq and the last period of his college study. Till 1954, when he was obliged to leave Iraq he calls it the stage of (Vagabond). Or being last. Then he went to china , again returns to home in (1958), 14th July, but he faces difficult circuenstances , then the fifth and last stage in Russia in 1960 , Moscow, While the writer was working as a translator in one of the soviet publishing houses, he started to write novels beginning with the novel (Al- Nakhla wal Jiran) , then the novel five sounds, which was published in 1967 , the (Al-Makhath) in 1974, then (Al-Kurban 1975), (Thilal Ala alnafitha 1979) and (Alam Alsayd Maroof) in 1982 the (Al-Murtaja wal Muajil) 1989, and finally al-Markab(1984). He dies in 1990 and buried in the graveyard (Noya learoova) in Moscoe. At the last of the preamble I sheds lights on alienation cases in Farman’s life, and its personal view of alienation its kinds and his response towards these cases. In the eight chapters I studed the advent of alienation in eight novels, their analysis. The study of the each aspect of novel like setting, plot, main and secondary characters, The conclusions and main results, The most important one is that the incidents that Farman faces in his problematic days of exile had major effects on his novels and writings, Such problem is clear in the agonies of the characters depicted by him. The thesis ends with Bibliography and the list of important references.

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