المستخلص: |
Syria is a land of civilization, since antiquity, it's land stretched out between Egypt and Mesopotamia, antiquity, all of Syria Palestine ,Lebanon, Jordan, concerning the origin of the name Syria, the historian Phillip Hatti considers that it is likely to be derived from the word [ Sor] or Achor , which the descendent, of Sam the son of Noh peace be upon him. While Hero dot says that the origin of the name Syria is Greek, it emerged in Eugarite s fossils It was found in the Hebrew writings as Sirone , means while some recent studies confirm, assert that Syria means the sun, it was resided, dueled migratory people from Hindo European origins who escaped from the lands, of little Asia and dwelt the land of sun, Syria during the fourth thousand ,b .c. The origins of the Syrian people from ,the Arab Aramians high ,they shore with the Ashor ians ,in the same genealogy this was mentioned in the old testament, from the children of Sam Noah s son ,ail am ,aram,afkshoud,achor] Also, Syria was named the land of Canaan, which is derived from kanaa,which means the law, also the historian Herodote mentioned that its oldest name was kiabadokia. And its peoples name was the kabadokians, and the origin of this name is persian. Wealth's and nice land, it also was a land of precious metals, this made it large , it was exploited and colonized by other countries . Syria was known for the mukluks ……. Among which [ ugarite ibla,mari Damascus. They flourched in the third century b c . Finally ,Syria has known many colorizations such as Babylion 1728/1685 BC, Egyptians in the tahtamous third 1490/1436 B c period achourians, and Persians too. besides foreign colonization from Alexander, Masidoian and Salukis and Romans64 B. c to the emerge of Islam by the leadship of khaled ibn elwalid.