المستخلص: |
يتحدث هذا البحث عن مصطلح النسخ، وما مرَّ به من تغيرات عند العلماء، وأثر هذا التغير على أحكام بعض العلماء على مواضع النسخ عند الصحابة. وبيَّن أن بعض العلماء قد تنبَّهوا لهذا، فأحكموا التعامل مع هذه المرويات، وخرَّجوها على ما يناسبها من مصطلحات المتأخرين. كما ذهب البحث إلى التنبيه على أن مصطلح النسخ الأصولي يختص بنوع من أنواع النسخ عند علماء القرآن والتفسير، وذهب إلى اجتهادٍ في تعريف شامل لأنواع النسخ بتعريف واحد جامع.
The present research work deals with the concept of "abrogation", and the changes in its meaning due to the different ways in which scholars have perceived the concept. The paper also studies the impact of these changes on the rulings of some Muslim jurisprudents in situations where abrogation was valid in the era of Prophet Muhammad’s companions’ era. The investigation shows that some jurisprudents were aware of this issue, and consequently, they were able to wisely address such narratives and relate them to their appropriate terminology established by later jurisprudents. Moreover, it is noted in this research that the principle term of abrogation pertains to a type of abrogation exercised by scholars of Qur'an and its explication. Therefore,, as an independent reasoning, a single comprehensive definition inclusive of all the types of abrogation, is provided.