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الأصوات العربية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The Arabic Phonetics
المصدر: مجلة البحوث والدراسات الاسلامية
الناشر: ديوان الوقف السني - مركز البحوث والدراسات الاسلامية
المؤلف الرئيسي: عيدان، ملوك عبدالزهرة (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع34
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: العراق
التاريخ الميلادي: 2013
الصفحات: 163 - 187
ISSN: 2071-2847
رقم MD: 688193
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: The Arabic Language are phonetics and meanings, the linguistics concerned with the phonetics for long time, because the phonetics tell about the language, and the language specify the chatting that the language users used on , the linguistics concern divided into two parts 1- A part which the Holly Quran reading scientist concerned with ,, and they explained most of the phonetics rules , and they preceded the linguistics in that field . 2- A part which the linguistics and among them the phonetics scientist concerned with, and thus the phonetics became a specific science that had its rules and bases.

ISSN: 2071-2847

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