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تسعي هذه الدراسة إلي التعرف علي الأثر الناتج عن تطبيق نظام ضمان الجودة الشاملة والاعتماد في مؤسسات التعليم العالي بمصر من حيث مدى قدرة هذه المنظومة علي تحسين مهارة وكفاءة خريجي هذه المؤسسات من منظور سوق العمل، ومن ثم قدرتهم علي الإلمام بالتطورات التكنولوجية المتسارعة والمستحدثة بسوق العمل وهو ما ينعكس بطبيعة الحال علي الوفاء بمتطلبات هذا السوق.. وأثر ذلك علي خفض معدلات البطالة بين خريجي هذه المؤسسات من عدمه وقد تم قياس هذا الأثر من خلال نموذج احصائي استخدمت الاستبانة فيه كوسيلة لجمع البيانات اللازمة للنموذج من خلال دراسة ميدانية لعينة بحث من ثلاث جامعات حكومية قومية وهم جامعات القاهرة والمنصورة وأسيوط وتم اختيار هذه الجامعات على أساس التنوع الجغرافي والبيئي وحجم الطاقة الاستيعابية فضلا عن أن لها ترتيب عالمي طبقا لتصنيف منظمة ويبوميتركس العالمية للمؤشرات كالتالي:
This study foucson the impact of resulting from the application of the system of a comprehensive quality assurance and accreditation in higher education institutions in Egypt, where the extent of the capacity of this system Ali improve the skill and efficiency of the graduates of these institutions from the perspective of the labour market, And then theiron knowledge of developments technological developmentsand modernizationto the labour market, which iswhich reflectof course on to meet the requirements of this market .on decreasing the rate of unemployment among the graduates of these institutions and whether or not to have been measuring this impact through a statistical modelquestioner as a means to collect the necessary data for the model through an empirical study of a sample search of three major state universities, national and they are the universities of Cairo, mansoura and Assiut were selected these universities on the basis of the geographical and ecological diversity, size and capacity as well as its order of the world in accordance with the classification organization we poma triexglobal indicators as follows The results of the study showed that the application of the projects of a comprehensive quality assurance and accreditation is still suffersand suffers from many problems, financial, academic, and foremost do not accept most of the faculty members of public and private universities to comply with the terms and controls the overall quality of it and look to the lack of feasibility, sometimes it is what has an effect on the adult in wasted spending financed these projects without return or the feasibility of afollowing the occurrence of stretch in a curved supply of graduates is offset by the stability or shrinkage in the curved demand of the labour market and highrateunemployment.. Which emphasizes the importance of the introduction of the system of total quality and accreditation, such as the world has a payoff that is positive, effective, and Ali the educational system, public and private universities, the Egyptian creation of new jobs, extends curved demand of the labour market Which has been proved by the current model results.