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الملابس التقليدية للمرأة لملائمة المرأة ذات الإعاقة الحركية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Modifying traditional women's clothing to fit women With motor disabilities
المصدر: مجلة كلية التربية
الناشر: جامعة بورسعيد - كلية التربية
المؤلف الرئيسي: طاووس، نانسي محمد سامي (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: حسن، محمد السيد (م. مشارك) , غزي، إيمان جمال (م. مشارك) , إسكندر، سيسيل عزيز (م. مشارك)
المجلد/العدد: ع15
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2014
الشهر: يناير
الصفحات: 688 - 717
ISSN: 2090-5319
رقم MD: 717410
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
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المستخلص: تعتبر المرأة المعاقة حركيا فئة هامة من فئات ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والتي يجب أن تتاح لها فرصة اختيار الملابس التي توفر ليس فقط متطلباتها العملية والوظيفية المحددة والاحتياجات الصحية، ولكن أيضا لتوفي بالمتطلبات النفسية والجمالية، ومع ضرورة وجود هذه الملابس إلا أن المرأة المعاقة حركياً تعاني من عدم وجود ملابس تناسبهن في الأسواق ومن هذا المنطلق فإن الباحثة لجأت إلى تعديل الملابس التقليدية وإنتاج تصميمات جديدة تناسب المرأة المعاقة حركياً، حيث يقدم البحث مجموعة من التصميمات المقترحة تناسب المرأة ذات الإعاقة الحركية، وللتأكد من مناسبة التصميمات تم تنفيذ ٧٢ قطعة ملبسية وتجربتهم بواسطة ١٢ سيدة من ذوات الإعاقة الحركية، وقد أثبتت الدراسة ملائمة الملابس المنفذة للمرأة ذات الإعاقة الحركية.

There has recently been increased attention in the world to people with special needs in many aspects. Egypt has followed the example of the developed countries in their care for these people, because caring for the problem of the disabled is not only a humanitarian and social mission necessitated by the progress of civilization, but it is also imposed by the size of the problem in the world. Women with motor disabilities are regarded an important category of people with special needs , which should have the opportunity to choose the clothes that provide not only the requirements of their specific practical , functional and health needs , but also their psychological and aesthetic needs. So , it has been necessary to provide special clothing designs that suit their multiple needs and satisfy the motives they seeks to achieve through clothing such as self-confidence , self-realization , modesty and other important motivations. To do so there must be design and production distinctions of appropriate and attractive clothing for their motor, social and psychological needs. In this sense , all of these issues have prompted the researcher to try to contribute to helping this group of people with special needs , especially women with motor disabilities ( lower limbs ) , by proposing necessary adjustments in the traditional clothing as well as producing specially made clothes to help them in the process of adapting to their needs. The research problem is the unfitness of the traditional clothing – actually available in the market - for women with motor disabilities in the lower limbs; the proposed designs help women with motor disabilities to adapt to their different needs. These designs are also useful in providing clothing with special specifications in the Egyptian market that are compatible with the nature of various disabilities. The researcher has made several field visits to the disabled clubs in Port Said Governorate , met women with motor disabilities in the lower limbs and distributed questionnaires to find their opinions on the most important problems and defects that they find with the traditional clothing on the market. Their opinions are as follows: - Having a hard time with dressing and undressing in some cases, especially for the athletes when the inner lining of sportswear impedes the process of wearing them. - Also the tearing of the sporting clothes caused by the instruments used by the children with polio at places of friction, Girl skirts and long gowns which are caught around the wheels of the wheelchairs used by the disabled. Thus, it is preferable to use zippers or adhesive tapes or Hooks- and- Eyes or press-buttons and the like, in stead of the traditional buttons and holes techniques. Jeans cloth and cotton fabrics are better used in clothing. Finally, the research population sample unanimously agreed on the lack of specially made clothes for the individuals with special needs in the market. Then, the researcher developed a set of six designs proposed for the clothes of women with motor disabilities in the lower limbs. This variety of designs consists of two designs for trousers, two for skirts and two for trouser-skirts. The common denominator among these proposed designs is the side-opening extending from waistline to the hem to be closed and unclosed with a zipper or adhesive tape "Filkro"; as well, all the models contain two side-pockets. Then, the researcher has implemented 72 products; 6 models for each woman of the research sample. According to the questionnaire results, which were presented to the research sample and to the data acquired, denim was the cloth used in producing all the models. This was followed by distributing the produced models to the members of the research sample for use for a period of not less than 3 months. Then the researcher prepared a questionnaire to judge the products by the users, then by experts and specialists in the field of clothing. After the prescribed time period for the use of the products, the questionnaire forms were distributed to the group of the research sample who give their opinions on products. The statistical results have shown that the research sample individuals preferred using the proposed designs to the use of traditional clothing, As well , they preferred the use of zippers in the products of the designs more than the use of adhesive tape " Filkro " in spite of the latter’s high quality and durability . They said," It is not psychologically safe." In addition they mentioned the appropriateness of denim used with the other production inputs which achieved the aesthetic and functional aspects of the piece of clothing. In the end, the researcher recommended an increase of attention of fashion designers and owners of garment factories for the people with special needs with the purpose of providing them with convenient clothing. Researchers should also expand the research work in the field of special clothing that serve people with special needs to include all age groups and different types of disabilities.

ISSN: 2090-5319