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تأثير تنمية بعض المهارات الحركية الأساسية على بعض القدرات التوافقية والمهارات لدى ناشئى كرة القدم

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The impact of the development of some basic motor skills on some capacity compatibility with emerging skill i have football
المصدر: المجلة العلمية للتربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
الناشر: جامعة حلوان - كلية التربية الرياضية للبنين
المؤلف الرئيسي: أحمد، عبدالمحسن زكريا (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع65
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2012
الشهر: مايو
الصفحات: 271 - 298
ISSN: 2682-1966
رقم MD: 728079
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
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المستخلص: The impact of the development of some basic motor skills on some capacity Compatibility with emerging skill I have football Introduction and research problem: Planning for the training process reflects the good organization and the scientific and methodological procedures which helps athletes to demonstrate advanced levels of training and competition. It is noteworthy, "Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim Huneidi" (2009), citing "Kemal Dervis," that the problem of generations care start-ups occupy her lead in the field of physical education, where one of the main problems addressed by the research in the field of sports. And indicates "Ibrahim Shaalan" (2001) to reach the level of the players to the degree that will enable them to achieve the requirements of the modern game with its various components, requires the establishment of players from small according to standardized programs contain compatible training capabilities and buds youngsters football. He noted researcher through his work in training overlooked a lot of coaches, especially those working with young people and buds of the importance and the role of motor skills essential in the development of physical level and skills of junior resulting in a lower level of physical performance and a private capacity harmonic as well as level skills for a lot of buds, which leads to lack of development level, and after reviewing the researcher for many research and previous studies on research and study the relationship motor skills basic capabilities harmonic as well as performance skills in football, note the lack and scarcity of these studies, prompting researcher to carry out this study in an attempt to shed light on the impact of the development of motor skills essential to capacity harmonic and basic skills in football. Research objectives: 1 - design of the proposed training program for the development of some of the basic motor skills of an emerging football. 2 - Get on the impact of the proposed program to the development of: A - some harmonic capacity (Compatibility - balance - the speed of response - to assess the situation - motor connectivity - the ability to make the effort) B - some skill variables (kicking the ball - dribbling - to control the ball - throw - hit the ball to the head) Hypotheses: 1 - There are significant differences between the results of the measurements before and after the sample and for dimensional measurements of the variables under consideration: A - basic motor skills - harmonic capacity c - basic skills. 2 - no impact of the proposed training program on the research sample in the variables under consideration: A - basic motor skills - harmonic capacity c - basic skills. Action: First: Research Methodology: To achieve the objectives of the research and hypothesis researcher used the experimental design of measurement pre - post one experimental group. The research sample: sample was selected search as deliberate players from the team under (10) years Club youth, United Arab Emirates, was born (2000) and registered Union UAE football for the sports season (2010 AD - 2011 AD), and the number (24) player, was excluded non-regular players and the injured, bringing the number to (18) player, applied to them the proposed program of basic motor skills. And methods of data collection: 1 - References and scientific journals and previous studies. 2 - personal interview (experts and trainers). 3 - devices and instruments (the balance of medical _ Ristamitr _ stopwatch _ footballs size (4) _ a tape measure to the nearest cm) 4 - Tests include: - Basic motor skills tests. Include (walking 25 m - not 30 m - Partridge 10 p.m. foot Yemeni - Partridge 10 p.m. left foot - hit the ball head for a distance - Capuchin ball feet in place - kicking the ball to the Imam - balance hard - throw a ball medical 1 LMO for a distance - Leaping range of stability) - Harmonic Aptitude Tests. Include (circles numbered test to measure compatibility - Jump over pins test to measure the balance - Nelson test of motor response to measure the speed of response - throwing and receiving test to measure the balls to assess the situation - performance test compound to measure kinetic link) - Tests of skill. Include (kicking the ball right-footed for a distance - kicking the ball left-footed meandering distance running with the ball - dribbling the ball on the feet - throw the farthest distance - hit the ball to the head for a distance - kicking the ball on the wall during the 30th) Conclusions: Limits and procedures of the research sample extracted researcher Leila 1 - There are significant differences in the basic motor skills under discussion for dimensional measurement of the sample. 2 - There are significant differences in both the level of harmonic capacity for dimensional measurement of the sample. 3 - There are significant differences in the basic skills under discussion for dimensional measurement of the sample. 4 - the proposed training program has a positive impact on the key kinetic Ttaiwiralamharrat under research, which contributed to the development of the level of harmonic capacity and basic skills in football under discussion. 5 - Use the exercises in a scientifically sound manner inhalers have a positive impact on the research sample. \

ISSN: 2682-1966