المستخلص: |
مثل هذا البحث علاقة الشاعر ابن لنكك البصري بالآخر بوصف الآخر إنسانا (شاعرا، أو لغويا، أو نحويا)، وبوصف الآخر زمانا وطبيعة، وسلط الضوء على التصادمات والتوافقات التي برزت في علاقته مع الآخر عبر سلوك يتكئ على شعور الشاعر وفكره وما ينسجم مع مقاصده، لقد تناول البحث مفهوم الآخر لغة واصطلاحا وحياة الشاعر ابن لنكك وتناول علاقته بشعراء عصره مثل المتنبي وأبي الهيذام ومبرمان النحوي ونظرته لمن سبقه من أمثال أبي نواس وأبي تمام، كما تطرق إلى علاقته بالزمان سلبا وإيجابا وعلاقته بالطبيعة بوصفها متنفسا لهمومه.
This paper represents the relation of the poet Ibin Link al-Basrai with the other, who describes as a human (poet or linguist, or Grammarian), and describes the other as a time or a nature. The study sheds light on contradictions and agreements which appears in his relation with the other throughout a behavior depends on the poet's feeling, thought, and what is harmonized with his purposes. The research deals with the concept of the other and the biography of the poet , and it is concentrated on the poet's relation with the poets of his age such as Al-Mutanabi, Abe Al-Hethim, and the grammarian Mabrman, and his attitudes about who preceded him as Abi Nawas and Abi Tammam . And it exposes negatively and positively his relation with the time, and his relation with the nature which became a relieve for his worries.