المستخلص: |
أما بعد فإن بحثي لهذا العام سيكون بعنوان (أحكام النهي عن التشبه بالحيوانات في الصلاة - دارسة فقهية مقارنة)، وهذا يتطلب الرجوع إلى كتب الحديث لإثبات المسألة، لذا عنونت الدارسة بعنوان مناسب ثم عمدت إلى اذكر الحديث الدال على ذلك فإن اتفق الفقهاء ذكرت أدلتهم وان اختلفوا ذكرت أدلتهم ومذاهبهم ثم رجحت ما يرجحه الدليل. وقد اشتمل البحث على: مقدمة، وثمان مسائل، وخاتمة تضمنت أهم النتائج.
This paper is about "the Provision of the prophet about the imitating animals in prayer". It is a doctrinal comparative study in which I am trying to collect what was forbidden by the Prophet of imitating animals in the prayer to avoid it to make a correct prayer which is the essence of religion. In order to collect all the issues related to this subject. If I found a Hadith that refers to prevent imitating animals in prayer, the issue is headlined by a title that refers to it then i mention the Hadith that refer to it. If the scholars agree I would mention their evidences and if they not I would mention their schools and their evidences then I suggest opinion that has a stronger evidence. The study divided into an introduction, eight issues and a conclusion . I ask the Almighty that by this study I have been able to serve my religion and my nation.