المستخلص: |
الزلزال السوري هو حدث إقليمي بامتياز. وصحيح أن فاعليات الثورة الأكثر صرامة تبدو وكأنها تحدث ضمن الحدود السورية، غير أن ارتدادات الزلزال هددت كل الدول المجاورة لتشكل فاعليات إضافية تعود وتنعكس على مركز الثورة في أرض اسمها سورية، فتستمر هذه الحلقة التفاعلية في تغيير طبيعة الصراع ومرتكزاته. وضمن هذا الفهم، يقوم هذا المقال برصد الانزياحات الإقليمية في منطقة المشرق. وهذه الانزياحات بدورها تتفاعل مع تغير وضع راعي المنظومة العالمية لفترة ما بعد الحرب العالمية: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
This analysis begins with a discussion of the position of the United States in the international system and aspects of weakness that limit its options in the context of the world turning to be multi-polar again. The article overviews the Chinese Indian and Russian poles as well as the pole of Latin America that usually does not exceed its limits. While the Indian pole that is candidate only to play the role of equilibrant in the international activities the eroded Russian pole and the isolated pole of Latin America. The article concludes with discussing the two important eastern poles Turkey and Iran that will lead the trend in the whole Arabic region and have the biggest impact on the Syrian issue. The article indicates Israel as a pole with constantly decreasing abilities that is involved in roles fall under the category of scorched earth strategy to buy time while lacking a mature project. The discussion includes a pole that has been described as negative namely the Arab pole. The article then moves to view the international position toward the Arab Spring to discuss the Syrian issue as an effort toward change estimating the US options in the Levant issue after it reached a very complicated position. The article analyzes the development of the international system led by the US in the face of the Muslim world movement which is trying to get out of the fringe toward the center as the Arab Spring emerged to be a milestone due to its potential ability to change the situation of which consequences are still developing. The article focuses on the Syrian spring because if the change is resolved there it would have a great impact on the whole Levant. This analysis covers three dimensions: the nature of the international system under US auspices the relative decline of the US weight globally and change of its assessment to the allies and the emergence of a multipolar world and the will of the global system to achieve self-balance in the heart of the Levant and its neighborhood.