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تتبوأ القضية الفلسطينية مكانا مركزيا في السياسة التركية تجاه الشرق الأوسط، ولا يعد ذلك جديدا بالنظر إلى الحساسية الخاصة التي كان يمتاز بها الموقف التركي تجاه القضية الفلسطينية تاريخيا. ويفهم الموقف الجديد لصانعي السياسة التركية ضمن سياق تحمل تركيا مسؤولية خاصة إزاء القضية الفلسطينية، فضلا عن عدها فرصة مناسبة لبناء دور تركي فعال في الشرق الأوسط. وقد وصل حزب "العدالة والتنمية" إلى سدة الحكم في تركيا في ظل وضع سياسي داخلي ودولي فرض قيودا على حركته، ودفعه لاتباع بعض التكتيكات السياسية لتحقيق أهدافه والوصول إليها.
The Palestinian issue has a central place in the Turkish policy toward the Middle East. This is not a new view considering the special sensitivity of the Turkish position towards the Palestinian issue historically. The new position of the Turkish policy-makers could be understood within the context of Turkey’s bearing a special responsibility towards the Palestinian cause as well as considering it as an appropriate opportunity to build an effective Turkish role in the Middle East. In this study the researcher explores the internal and external determinants of Turkish foreign policy towards the Palestinian issue under the rule of the Justice and Development Party. This is achieved by discussing the positions of four major forces within Turkey towards the role Turkey under Justice and Development party plays regarding the Palestinian cause. These forces are: the Turkish people "public opinion" secular forces the military and the interest groups. In addition to discussing the position of three external regional and international forces towards the role Turkey under Justice and Development party plays regarding the Palestinian cause. These forces are: the United States the European Union and "Israel". The researcher believes that the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2008 represents a milestone in the relations between Turkey and "Israel" as Erdogan expressed strong opposition to the Israeli behavior in the famous Davos incident that took place at the beginning of 2009 where he delivered a public message to "Israel" that the warm relations between Turkey and "Israel" has become a thing of the past. With the polarization that dominated the Middle East between 2003 and 2009 between the axis of resistance led by Iran and the axis of moderation that included moderate "pro-American" Arab states at first glance it seemed that Turkey tend towards joining the latter axis because of Western engagements. However Erdogan's visit to Tehran at the end of 2009 launched a new phase in the region and allowed Turkey an increasing margin for maneuvering. Turkish-Iranian relations have improved reaching unprecedented levels commercially and politically as competition tools are mixed with convergence incentives.