المستخلص: |
Riba and Interest has no doubt been one of the most hotly debated and commented upon—both verbally and in writing— subjects throughout the world of Islam. We are not to delve at length here into these discussions. Indeed any such attempt on my part, after my colleague and personal friend Fazlur Rahman’s scholarly treatise on the subject is bound to remain unnecessary (1). He makes both chronological and logical criticism of the verses of Qur’an wherein riba is mentioned; scientifically studying at the same time its applications amongst Hejazi Arabs during pre-Islamic and Islamic periods—first in Mecca and then following the Hegira in Medina. He further discusses the authenticity of later manuscripts and publications in the light of such practices of riba as well as all the more apparent realities. We want to dwell here briefly on riba and interest practices especially amongst muslim communities that comprised the Ottoman Empire during the period 1517-1924, i. e. in the reign of Ottoman Caliph-Sultans who spiritually led the world of Islam for more than four centuries. Riba in Its General Conception—Practices Connected with It in pre-Islamic Arabia—Prohibitions During the Early Periods of Islam.