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البنية الفنية في الشعر البصري المعاصر : 2003 - 2012

المؤلف الرئيسي: علاوي، أسماء حسين (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: بدن، جبار عودة (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
موقع: البصرة
التاريخ الهجري: 1436
الصفحات: 1 - 186
رقم MD: 811264
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة البصرة
الكلية: كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
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المستخلص: The Basris poem has seen a drastic change after the political and Cultural marginalization, cultural and Alamranjo Baathist wars Experienced Basri's write AD if it came before this message tagged (potic scene in Basra in (2003-2012 before studying in the artistry construction) In order to give a general idea of the poetics scene in basra after the year 2003 AD especially after the availability of media freedom and cultural obtained by the literary community after this year, And note the most important aspects of aesthetic values in the values in the poem, and how to keep pace with the renewal movement which won contemporary Arabic poetry lately. The research plan required to be distributed on the front and three chapters a conclusion arrange and include the most important findinges of the research. Followed by a list of sources and references Regularity of the first quarter-which it dealt with poetic language- in two section after my mulch in, the language of poetry As discutioned in the first section Lexicon Basri's poetry with reference to the most important terms that they are received has adopted a study wordy …this study wordy as density and spread the noodles aggregtes, despite the fact that the visual poem water poem as it is rich in water and verbally,... and belongings, so they have enriched the visual lexicon of words nature, and with it, the duration Harbingees of ideological, economic, security, and social, religious and many, so they, influenced the visual lexicon wording of his belongings.

The second part, which has stood at two axes dealt with in the first axis of linguistic performance methods and may join this axis And has included this axis performance heritage (religious and literary) and performance language (daily communication (spoken words) And it should be noted that in this topic (spoken words), which meant research is not necessarily words, slag words, it may be relevant. Classical roots, because of the large number of Shiites and circulated among people…… become words circulating. The methods Alonmhu'ah where some style of order (such as the question and appeal and order) as well as denials that much receipt in the visual poetry and tried to highlight the impact upon the visual poet by citing models lattice supports Manchu him , and the second chapter, entitled to have come (Image has addressed poetic) in tw section after mulch in the image of poetry, addressed in the first part, the most important means to form the poetic image when visual poet, such as the exchange of perceptions, including the (diagnosis, and embodiment, and stripping), and dealt with freelancing senses and their impact on the image of poetry, as well as and the relative contrast, this study has reinforced models of visual poetry to illustrate these methods. The second topic dealt with sensual image patterns after the presentation of the most important types of poetic image when scholars and critics, boot the subject of overlapping picture and after, addressed the study and analysis of image sensory different Bonamtha (optical image including mobile and fixed, and color, and audio image, and gustatory, and tactile ,and olfactory) and allocated chapter III of the study (rhythm), In order to be more specific search and influential in this section you have an inventory of poetic texts weighted sample in order to be applied to research in this area, I have indicated in the first pillar of this research to the most important weight. The second axis has studied the Rhyme The second axis has studied the consolidated Rhyme (statistics), and Rhyme vehicle (diverse) with lattice models citation describes these two types And return the prose poem in the second setion of the recorded presence in the movement of the internal rhythm after that was eliminated in the first section, as the second section devoted to the study of the internal rhythm, with three methods often overlap and intersect with each other... Or assist each other with other ways to escalate the internal rhythm movement, as addressed (rhythm sound, repetition, alliteration) with a range of martyrdom poetic texts on each style and statement analysis and the effectiveness of these techniques to the enrichment of the internal rhythm.

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