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This article offers a critical study of Shaikh MuÍammad ŇAbd al-RaĺmÉn al- MubÉrakfËrÊ's (d. 1353H/1934CE) Tuĺfat al-AĺwadhÊ bi-Sharĺ JÉrniŇ al- Tirmidhῑ, a commentary on Abu Isa al-Tirmidhῑ's Hadith compendium known as Sunan al-TirmidhÊ. This is one of the best commentaries on al-Tirmidhī's work so much that whenever mention is made of commentary on the said compendium, the Tuĺfah will immediately come to the mind next to ŇÓri lat al- AĺwadhÊ by the MÉlikī scholar AbË Bakr Ibn al-ŇArabī (d. 543H). One of the great authors of his time, al-MubÉrakfËrī was an erudite scholar and fine expert in the disciplines of Hadith in respect of both transmission and comprehension. His book Tuĺfah, in which he followed the methodology of the Traditionalists (muĺaddithËn) without abiding by any of the dominant juristic schools, is a manifestation of his erudition and vast knowledge. However, due to his leniency in observing Hadith criteria, the author felt the necessity of subjecting the Tuhfah to critical analysis and shedding light on its defects.