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|a كان كثيرا ما يذكر Hr.F HA.f اسم (الذي وجهه وراءه أو خلفه) في الكتابات الجنائزية المصرية القديمة باسم المراكبي الذي يساعد المتوفي في التغلب على العقبات في رحلته إلى العالم الأخر، أشير إليه في نصوص الأهرام باسم " مراكبي السماء في العالم الآخر" الذي يستخدم العبارة لنقل النفوس التي تثبت أنها صالحة، لمواجهة رع في الأفق، أما في نصوص التوابيت فلعب Hr.F HA.f دورين مختلفين ، فضلا عن أنه كان مازال يلعب دور " مراكبي العالم الأخر " ، الذي ينقل الصالحين إلى الجانب الشرقي من السماء : فهو أصبح " الصياد" الذي يستخدم كل من الشباك والرمح لصيد الموتى. أما Hr.F HA.f في كتاب الموتى فقد لعب ثلاثة أدوار مختلفة فهو لم يكن فقط "المراكبي" و" الصياد " ولكن أيضا أصبح القاضي السابع والعشرين" الأثنين وأربعين قاضيا المتصلين بأعلان براءة المتوفي" فهو مسئول عن الحكم على أثم اللواط والتزاوج مع صبي.
|b The genius hr.f-h3.f (He who’s Face is behind him) was frequently mentioned in the Ancient Egyptian funerary literature as the Ferryman who will help the deceased overcome some of the obstacles in the journey that he undertakes in the Hereafter. The Pyramid texts refer to him as the "Celestial Ferryman of Ra in the Netherworld", who not only uses his ferry-boat to ferry oyer the souls of those who proved to be righteous to meet Ra at the Horizon. In the Coffin texts hr.f-h3.f played two different roles; he continued to play the role of the "underworld Ferryman,” who uses his ferry- boat to ferry the righteous to the eastern side of heaven. Moreover, he was the “Fisherman", who uses both the net and the spear to catch and trap the dead. As for hr.f-h3.f in the Book of the Dead, he played three different roles as he was now not only the “underworld Ferryman,” the “Fisherman” but also the Twenty- seventh Assessor” among the forty-two Assessors connected to the deceased's ‘Declaration of Innocence,' who was responsible for judging the sin of homosexuality, masturbation and copulating with a boy. The Ancient Egyptian funerary literature frequently gives a detailed description of the deceased’s journey undertaken in the Hereafter. Of course, this journey is not easy and the spirit of the dead face many obstacles that try to prevent it’s displacement: huge portals guarded by fierces creatures armed with knives, winding roads filled with threatening entities, who are waiting for the soul and waterways that must be overcomed in the course of the dangerous "tour" from beyond the grave. To overcome some of these barriers, the spirit requires the services of a peculiar “genius” in the Egyptian mythology, known fr.f- h3.f. The purpose of this study is to analyze this "genius", his names, form and role in Egyptian religion and mythology, for which purpose sources like Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead were used.