المستخلص: |
This research is taken from my Ph.D. thesis entitled "the Hidden Indication of the Adjective for the Recipient in the Holy Quran" supervised by Prof. Dr. Hakim Habeeb Al-Greti. In the research I tackled the hidden reference of the adjective and the referent, for occurring after two names that take the same adjective. Then. I mentioned the hidden reference of the adjective for the several narrations ascribed to the prophet's companions. Of the reasons behind the hidden reference of the adjective are the several readings found. Then the research is concluded by mentioning the results reached through the study, asking Allah for luck. The adjective is used to reveal the verbal sharing of the definite nouns and reduce it in the indefinite ones, and the contexts could lose its function to the point that the adjective lose its ability to explain the ambiguity in the described noun and does not aid the recipient in determining the demanded indication because it could refer to more than one reference and where the undefined adjective occurs, lies the hidden indication. The research also reached to the fact that the hidden indication results from several meanings of which are it comes post two nouns that could take the same adjective because of the several readings found and the many narrations ascribed to the prophet's companions.