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اتجاهات الطالبات العراقيات نحو صورة المرأة العربية في الدراما التلفزيونية: طالبات جامعة الأنبار أنموذجاً

العنوان المترجم: Trends of Iraqi Female Students Towards the Image of Arab Women in Television Drama: University Of Anbar Female Students as A Model
المصدر: مجلة البحث العلمي في الآداب
الناشر: جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات للآداب والعلوم والتربية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الجابري، محمد حامد عبد (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع17, ج1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2016
الصفحات: 563 - 590
DOI: 10.21608/JSSA.2018.11318
ISSN: 2356-8321
رقم MD: 847727
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: AraBase
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المستخلص: It received term mental image of a growing presence of the scholars and researchers Arabs and foreigners in the various social sciences since the beginning of the twentieth century, but it has taken the recipe of science since the fifties of the last century where many studies and books contributed to many researchers , writers and thinkers in Arsha concept image .otsem mental picture in the decision of the individual to its decisions and trends whether it be Positively or negatively and is this one of the psychic powers or physical that determine the individual trends and patterns of behavior and are subject to change because it is a dynamic shift and change depending on the evolution of the social reality of the process of changing economic conditions , political and cultural conditions , and accordingly , the mental use mental image means an individual's ability to perceive and budget as owned accumulations of knowledge and the creation of comparison Between them toward the things to get to the decision-making and governance Alleha.oofaqa the requirements of the research has been divided into three sections , the first of came under the methodological framework address of the search ( research problem , the importance of research, the goals of the research, and the research methodology ) , while the second is titled TV and the formation of the image and the two axes ( TV properties , the role of television in shaping the image The third section Vtnolna the field study and the results of the researcher came to the set of results including: 1. Online forms dramas are viewing the sample of (174) watching a television series and a percentage of (37.91%) of the total sample and the number of. Individuals who are watching a film (146) Researched and as a percentage of (31.82%) of the total members. 2. The topics favored by respondents in the Arab drama, the number of women who prefer social topics (177) Researched and as a percentage of (41.35%) of the total sample members. 3. The research sample to see the Arab drama provided by Arab satellite channels motives, the number of women who prefer to identify new cultures defended (128) Researched and as a percentage of (32.08%) of the total sample members. 4. The Arab drama reflect the reality of women answered (141) Researched it reflects significantly and as a percentage of (54.44%) of the total sample members.

ISSN: 2356-8321