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|a الذاتوية هي أحد الاضطرابات النمائية المعقدة والغامضة التي تصيب الأطفال وتعوق تواصلهم الاجتماعي واللفظي وغير اللفظي كما تعوق نشاطهم التخيلي وتفاعلاتهم الاجتماعية المتبادلة ويظهر هذا الاضطراب خلال السنوات الثلاث الأولى من عمر الطفل وتكون أعراضه واضحة تمامًا في الثلاثين شهرًا من عمر الطفل الذي يبدأ في تطوير سلوكيات شاذة وأنماط متكررة والانطواء على الذات. حيث إنه لم يتوصل العلماء والباحثون إلى يومنا هذا لأسبابها وأعراضها والاختلاف بطرق تشخيصها وطرق التعامل معها ومن ثم عدم الوصول لطريقة العلاج المناسبة. والمشكلة الكبرى التي تستدعي الوقوف عندها لتأملها والتفكير بها هي الاتجاهات السلبية والمعلومات الخاطئة في بعض الأحيان لدى آباء الذاتويين، وعدم اعترافهم بإعاقة طفلهم وتقبلهم له، وهذا ما دفع الباحثين لعمل الدراسات والبحوث التي تخص الوالدين لما لهم من دور فعّال وحاسم في المعالجة الفعّالة لطفلهم الذاتوي، ولأهميتهم في خطة التدريب الموضوعة لطفلهم. ومن ثم كان سببًا رئيسًا للباحثة لتسليط الضوء على ولي الأمر وكيفية تغير اتجاهاتهم نحو طفلهم الذاتوي. مشكلة الدراسة: من خلال خبرة وعمل الباحثة مع الأطفال الذاتويين لمدة عشر سنوات لاحظت أن معلومات واتجاهات وثقافات أولياء أمور الذاتويين تتفاوت نسبيا فيما بينهم. مما يؤثر على التعامل معهم، وعلى تكيفهم وتواصلهم مع الآخرين مما دفع الباحثة لتصميم برنامج إرشادي يتم توجيهه لأولياء الأمور بهدف تعديل اتجاهاتهم وأفكارهم نحو أنفسهم أولا ومن ثم نحو الطفل الذاتوي، الأمر الذي يساعد في عملية التكييف معهم مما يؤثر بالإيجاب على الطفل الذاتوي، ويساعده على التعلم والاكتساب.
|b Autism considered being one of the special kinds of special needs because it is a hinder of subject that have held many professionals and specialists in our Arab society and by the many studies and research There is an enormous and continuity increase in the incidence of Autism in any society. For example U.S. rates of autism showed a rate of 3: 4 children in every 10 thousand children, and recalling the National Assembly for the care of children that the incidence of autism reaches up to 5 children per 10 thousand children. Autism considered to be a hinder of the other disabilities because the researcher did not know its causes and sources, as well as differing methods of diagnosis and deal with the children. This let the researcher prepare a program that can help the parents on how to deal with the children -in-order to change their thoughts and their attention towards their children. There are some questions to the problems that will identify the current study. The current study aims to, identify the key features of autism for the nomads and the urban children Examining the trends of the parents of the autistic children in the environment of the nomads and the urban. Studying the differences between the averages in the information and the trends of the parents in both the nomads and the urban environment. Studying the differences between the averages in the key features of autism among the nomads and the urban environment. The researcher concluded that it is important in the potential use of the environmental knowledge to modify the environment of the autistic children and their consequent improvement in the performance and their parents. Assistance of the specialists, psychologists and social workers in the institutions on how to deal with this category of children and how to provide various services that serves this category. The attention of the specialists and professionals to this group of children in the society. And bring the relief to the parents of these children by helping them to deal with realistic, and incorporate the most important methods of treatments. This leads to a better psychology to their children. Do some programs and activities that can help the parents to get out of isolation that they impose it on themselves and their children. The cultural differences between the rural and the urban environments thought the introduction into the account of the individual’s differences among the autistic children. The researcher adopted the tools in studying the autistic children. A form for the reception and evaluation, case study, evaluation form for the autistic child., evaluation form for the parents. Intervention tool: such as special lectures, courses and workshops, video. lives days for the parents with their children in the center. The result of the study benefits the parent on how to deal with their autistic children. The researcher formulates the recommendation in the light of the outcome of the study in order to use them. Training the families of the autistic children though workshops, training courses and involving them in planning and implementation of the educational program, some social skills at the early age, some studies that are concerned with the development of training programs aimed at developing social skills, to provide adequate awareness and encourage permanent members of the community as a whole, preparing the specialist to work for the autistic children, the need for the involvement of the family in the school and the early diagnosis is essential to social problem for these children and provides training program that facilitate appropriate social interactions.