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أنتلجنسيا العراق في الرواية الغربية الحديثة

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Iraq's Intellingentsia of Modern Western Novel
المؤلف الرئيسي: شناوة، مسار غازي (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الساعدي، خالد سهر محي (مشرف), الغزي، عواد كاظم لفتة (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
موقع: الناصرية
التاريخ الهجري: 1436
الصفحات: 1 - 322
رقم MD: 852101
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة ذي قار
الكلية: كلية الاداب
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
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المستخلص: The problem of this research depends on a query to achieve the theoretical and the practical frame of subject Here are a number of questions that the research addresses: 1-What are the manifestation of portraying the personality of Iraqi intelligentsia in the western novel? And how this portrayal is made artistically in it? 2-What basis did western thinking depend on in portraying the personality of intelligentsia? 3-What is the problem of Iraqi cultural identity through the different stages of Iraq history as it was manifested in the western novel discourse? After handling the subject, it has been shown that Iraqi intelligentsia in the western novelist involves analyzing the status that the members of the intelligentsia have in society. This makes him focus more on the institutional and the organizational structure (political, cultural, economical, and doctrinal). Although the concentration the ideologist was more, this did not prevent him from handling another elite that acquired their education through life time or subjective experience. This elite have led sensation of the reality and its problems. This sensation leads them to make a cultural project to improve the reality. There are direct and indirect factors that contribute to the portrayal of Iraqi intelligentsia by the western novelist. One of them is orientalism whish is considered on intellectual communication between the west and the east. It is a school that studies the civilization; people and the local regions of the orient. In addition, acculturation is a phenomenon that affects human cultures due to communication regardless of its nature and duration. It is a way of interaction and the adaptation of the opposite others' culture whether consciously or not under the impact of historical, social economic circumstances, neighborhood, migrations, wars and the scriptures, and the mixing of the races. As well as, the information revolution of media nowadays, provides people with huge potentials which embodied the metaphysical abilities to act and influence associated with the appearance of a new active human, works from a distance with the speed of light, or thought, as much as using ways the rapid and multiple ways of media. It is the communicative individuals whom mechanism brains and digital technologies allow to think and act in planetary manner and beyond continents communities and cultures.

Moreover, research showed us that intelligentsia image that the western novelist keen on, sometimes appeared as a result of mixing the East features of intelligentsia and newcomer thought making intelligentsia the personal image as an archive intellectually in the West and apparently in the eastern. As a result of all above, the western novelist mostly built his perceptions of that elite according to was kept in the memory for long decades, even with the presence of personal experience, in the sense that it is not the reality but becoming in the imagination, though the conflict around consists of real bets, it passes through a self- constituent that made it in all ideological contents about the nature of the relation with the other Iraqi person. The study therefore stayed at the term Intellectuals and the roots it came from, and its linguistics and ideological meanings .But the term focusing on western novel as immigrant text, so this means searching in the cultural transmitting mediator and establishing references between oriental and west cultures which demands true epistemological reference. By the opening of Iraqi novel on the other, the question of the fate, and the dabble discourse towards achieving its universal goal, which needed reaching intellectual identities that describes the forms of intellectuals and their sociological dimensions, and goes around the intellectual personality in the western novel . The appearing of Iraqi intellectual in the western novel has formed an literal content seems to make changes hold by Iraqi intellectuals. The attempt to determinate outlines of Iraqi intellectual character in western novel, means watching its external and internal structure, comparing it with the developing of Arabic novel as a secondary content, and determine the matching and difference between these two kinds. It seems that western novelist used some structural determiners to build intellectual character as symbolic intimation and ego representation, and stereotype images.

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