المستخلص: |
يحتل دور الأسرة في رعاية المسن المرتبة الأولى بين المؤسسات التي تولي المسن اهتمامها ورعايتها، وقد حرصت الشريعة الإسلامية على صون كرامة الإنسان في مراحل عمره كلها، وبخاصة في مرحلة الكبر والضعف، حيث يعد الإحسان إلى المسنين والاهتمام بهم فضيلة إسلامية مرتبطة برضا الله تعالى، وما جاء في المواثيق الدولية على العموم كان موافقا لما ورد في الشريعة الإسلامية في جوانبه المادية، إلا أنه يفتقر إلى الجوانب المعنوية والروحية، من هنا فإن هذه الدراسة تهدف إلى إبراز اهتمام الشريعة الإسلامية بحقوق المسن على أساس من الكرامة والعدالة والمساواة.
The role of the family in care of the old ranked first among the institutions that take over the old interest and sponsorship, has been keen Islamic law to preserve human dignity in the stages of his life the whole, especially at the stage of old age and weakness, which is kind to the elderly and the interest in their Islamic virtue associated with the consent of God, to spread the values that make the elderly people is acceptable and desirable by his family, relatives and neighbors and the community, which is stated in international conventions on the whole, was in accordance with what stated in Islamic law in material respects, except that it lacks the aspects of the moral and spiritual, from here there were many streams of care for the elderly in the Muslim community, and full of verses of the Quran and the teachings of the Sunnah texts and safeguards for the care and protection of this right at the family and society and the state, on the basis of dignity, justice and equality.