المستخلص: |
This procedural approach seeks to fumble types of tension that inhabit the poetic writing, and gives the text its shape which in the end delivers it to the recipient who is aware of the eye, connotations that can be added to exceed the authenticity of the text. In that approach, we are not getting help so much from critical concepts, nor theoretical citations, or outer cognitive perceptions (except in some few cases) but we just sharpen our hearing to the text, so that we feel all tensions within it, which control its long, short, intensive, and vulnerable phrases, which creates shades of its sense and weaves its metaphors, Similes, and antonomasia’s. for we know today that the poem is not written by the pen, not with a thought, nor a flood of passion alone, But by self-tension which do not find a way out of the internal obvious and mysterious tensions, but in handwriting. As the pen is running to paper, it is running with all tension of the associated cases that have an impact on the handwriting, letter, word, phrase, style and organization.