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موانع المسؤولية الجنائية وأثرها في المسؤولية الانضباطية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Criminal Responsibility Contraindication and its Impact on Disciplinary Responsibility
المصدر: مجلة كلية القانون للعلوم القانونية والسياسية
الناشر: جامعة كركوك - كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الجبوري، معمر خالد عبدالحميد سلامة (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Abdulhameed, Moamar Khalid
المجلد/العدد: مج5, ع20
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: العراق
التاريخ الميلادي: 2017
الصفحات: 55 - 101
DOI: 10.32894/1898-005-020-002
ISSN: 2226-4582
رقم MD: 910014
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink, IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: إن التشريعات الجنائية الحديثة تقوم على مبدأ مهم وأساس، هو أن الجريمة تقوم على القيام بفعل أمر ينهي عنه القانون أو ترك ما يأمر به القانون، وأوامر ونواهي المشرع هذه لا توجه إلا لمن يدركها ويفهم ما هيتها وإلا كانت عبثا. فلهذا كان الإنسان وحده هو الذي توجه إليه أحكام قانون العقوبات؛ لا نه وحده الذي يدركها ويستطيع ضبط أعماله على وفقها، ويمكن مؤاخذته جنائيا عما يرتكب من جرائم وبذلك يستحق بأن يوصف بأنه مجرما. إن صفة الإنسانية ليست هي الشرط الوحيد لمن يمكن أن يوصف بأنه مجرم، بل يشترط فيه أيضا أن يكون آهلا لتحمل المسؤولية عن سلوكه، ويكون كذلك عندما يكون ذا قوة نفسية من شأنها الخلق والسيطرة وهي ما يطلق عليه بـ(الإرادة) وأن تكون هذه الإرادة معتبرة قانونا وتكون كذلك متي كانت مدركة ومختارة، أما إذا اتجهت الإرادة اتجاها مخالفا للقانون فتسمي عندئذ بـ(الإرادة الآثمة)؛ والتي تعد دليل على خطورة شخصية الجاني الأمر الذي جعلها أساسا للمسؤولية الجنائية وبالتالي مؤشرا لتوجيه العقوبة إلي أغراضها الاجتماعية، فالمسؤولية بشكل عام يراد بها تحمل الشخص عواقب ما يترتب على فعله المخالف لقواعد القانون، إلا أن صور هذه المسؤولية تختلف باختلاف نوعها، فإن كانت المسؤولية أدبية والمتمثلة مثلا بواجب أدبي سواء أكان ذلك القيام بعمل أو الامتناع عنه، كما لو خالف الموظف واجب أدبي أو أخلاقي؛ فالجزاء المترتب هنا هو جزاء أدبي وذلك بتأنيب الضمير أو استهجان المجتمع وتشنيع السلوك المرتكب الغير حميد؛ أو جزاء ديني كالعقاب الإلهي في الآخرة، وبهذا فلا يمكن القول بأن المسؤولية الأدبية تدخل في دائرة القانون ولا يترتب عليها جزاء قانوني؛ إنما توكل إلي الضمير وخلجات النفس. أما المسؤولية القانونية فيراد بها ما يترتب على مخالفة واجب قانوني معين؛ كالمسؤولية المدنية أو الجنائية أنو التأديبية. لكن البعض من صور موانع المسؤولية الجزائية لا يمكن إعمال قواعده على المسؤولية الانضباطية، وتمتنع بتوافرها مسؤولية الموظف ولا يحاسب عن الخطأ الذي يرتكبه بتأثير ذلك، أما موانع المسؤولية الانضباطية فلا يمكن إعمالها في مجال المسؤولية الجزائية.

The Criminal legislation is based on the principle of an important and essential is that the crime is based on doing something forbidding by the law or leave as ordered by the law , and dos or don’ts legislator, these are not directed only to those who understood what it is . For that , the man alone is the one who perceivers and can adjust it is business on accordingly and thus can be held criminally, accordingly to what commit crimes , which thus be described as criminal. But it must be noted that the status of humanity is not the only requirements for those who can be described as criminal, but also required to be worthy of carrying liasits for his behavior , and is also a powerful psychological would creation and control (will) and that this (will) be considering a law and be aware and his chosen , either if headed willed illegal trend is called (will ou strangeous).Which is evedience of the dangerous character of the offender, which make them the basis for criminal responsibility thus an indicator to guide the penalty to its purpose social generally intended to bear the consequences of what the person chief operating result in the behavior to do with the law , but the images of these liarits placed on the person vary depending on the kinds van wake liarits educated of duty or actor omission as if it violates the employee’s duty of literary or moral impact it is a penalty literary and so a guilty conscience or thoroughlyby the community and dominize. The perpetrator of the others a good behavior or religious as heaven punishment, penalty in a here after, and this can be said that liarits literary intervention in the circle of law doesn’t result in a penalty illegal. As a legal liarits legal means what come on violate certain legal duty as a civil responsibility criminal or disciplinary. The subject of research involves the problem of illegal criminal and administrative, because there are no rules of legal independent and specific in liarits disciplinary similar to what is known for the responsibility of criminal , so it has become necessary for some people the possibility quote some rules liaritss the criminal order applied to liarits discipline , and who gives the opinion that his truth liarits disciplinary regime is criminal , it is in this capacity is identical with liarits penal system . But perhaps there are those who may object to this view under the prefect of lack of match between the prescribed rules in liarits penal and what orteurvi liarits disciplinary , because the principle (of a crime and as punishment except by law) , which governs and determines the penalty are that go with that crimes and penalties for specific limited are not allowed to judge the pace no penalty is contained in a text or non. Specific type of crime the subject of the trail , as well as system tunable situation is different where he is condemned principle some what differently which (except as punishment for text), either if headed willed illegal tremd is called (will outrageous) . Which is evidence of the dangerous character of the offender. Which make them the basis for criminal responsibility thus an indicator to guide the penalty to its social purpose generally intended to bear the consequences of what that criminal legislation is based on important and essential principle is that the crime is based on doing something forbidden by the law or leaves as ordered by the law, and dos and don’t s legislator these are not directed only to those who perceived and understood what it is , for that the man alone is the one who moral and so aguity conscience or thoroughly by the community and demonize the perpetrator of others good behave or litigious penalty in the hereafter and this cannot be said that liarits intervention in the circle of law does not result in a penalty illegal. But the images of these liarits placed on the person vary depending on the kinds van was liarits literary of duty literary or act or omission, as if it violates the employees duty of literary or moral so penalty impact it is a penalty literary and so a guilty conscience or by community. For all above went we chose this research to fulfill right in studying in insight in our study we will follow the legal analytical approach through the comparative study of the legal text , analysis and statement of the legislative development introduced by developed countries in this area and what can applied to them in Iraq . We have been selected on the Egyptian legislation signed a model for the Arab legislations comparison , since Egypt is one of the oldest republics in the Arab world , which staged the provisions of administrative law as well as the home the oldest legislation Iraq . In our study of the topic of contraception liarits and criminal impact in liarits disciplinary go to three entrances preceded by on introduction and followed by summary comprise the main conclusions and proposals , the first entrance to identify cases of loss of cognition and their impact in the field of tunable and we recognize , the in the second entrance cases of loss of freedom of choice and its impact on the liarits disciplinary and final entrance to the extent the impact of crime disciplinary governing non- penal liarits them we finsh our research with the research sources.

ISSN: 2226-4582

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