المستخلص: |
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Corporate Governance (CG) has become an increasingly important element in business, both domestically and globally, and particularly in relation to labour and environmental issues. Its significance can be seen through a number of internationally recognised soft-law instruments that have been introduced. These instruments, however, have certain disadvantages, including weak implementation; this may allow local and multinational companies - which often adopt these instruments - to avoid their social responsibilities, particularly in sensitive areas related to labour issues and environmental protection. Hence this dissertation argues that CSR should switch from a mechanism based on self-governance into a formal regulation in relation to environmental matters and labour issues. By taking these regulatory steps, corporations will be forced to fulfil their obligations in relation to CSR, and, as a consequence, are more likely to take CSR issues more seriously. In order to achieve this goal, this dissertation begins by tracing the historic development of CSR, focusing on the main legal and soft-law instruments, and detailing how CSR has evolved in the UK and across the EU, as well as globally. Rational arguments, both for and against CSR regulation in relation to specific areas, are then presented and discussed.