المستخلص: |
البحث موقف إقليمي البحرين وعمان من البعثة النبوية الشريفة في عهد النبي (صلى الله عليه واله) وهذان الإقليمان كانا يمثلان منطقة الخليج الحالية، وتطرق البحث إلى وسائل إيصال مفاهيم الرسالة الإسلامية إلى منطقة الخليج العربي سواء عن طريق الرسائل أو الوفود القادمة للمدينة المنورة، ولقد كان أهالي هذه المنطقة قبل الإسلام يعتنقون عقائد مختلفة كعبادة الأصنام وبعضهم اعتنق اليهودية والبعض اعتنق المسيحية وبعضهم كان مجوسيا. ورغم اختلاف المؤرخين في تاريخ الرسائل التي بعثها النبي (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) لكنها بكل تأكيد كانت ما بين الأعوام (6-8) للهجرة.
The paper deals with attitude of Bahrain as well as Oman towards Islam in era of the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his household) since of these areas represented what is so-called as Arabian gulf nowadays. The paper discusses the devices which used to convey the Islamic concepts to the given areas. The devices were messages and letters as well as delegations which were coming from Medina. Pre-Islam, the people of the given areas believed in various religious beliefs such as Idolatry as well as some other religions such as Jewish, Christianity and Magianism. Despite that the chroniclers differed about dates of the letters and messages that were sent by the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his household) to the people in the areas under study, but this paper emphasizes is: they were between the sixth and eighth years of Hijrah (the migration from Makkah to Madinah).