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العنوان بلغة أخرى: Illiteracy in Egypt
المصدر: السكان : بحوث ودراسات
الناشر: الجهاز المركزي المصري للتعبئة العامة والإحصاء
مؤلف: هيئة التحرير (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع96
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2018
الشهر: يوليو
الصفحات: 69 - 100
رقم MD: 957597
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink
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المستخلص: Objectives of the study: 1- Trends of the illiteracy rate among population according to age, sex, and place of residence. 2- Distribution of illiterate persons according to enrollment in education (never enrolled, enrollment and dropout, reasons for non-enrollment or dropout from education). 3- Percentage of health insurance among illiterate. 4- Percentage of illiterate persons using IT tools (mobile / computer / Internet). 5- Percentage of illiterate persons with disabilities according to age groups. Sources of data: Population censuses for the years 1996, 2006 and 2017 The main findings: 1- Number of illiterate persons decreased from 17.6 million in 1996 to 17.0 million in 2006, and then it increased to 18.4 million in 2017. Most of illiterate population in the three censuses was female representing 62% of total illiterate population in 1996 and 2006 censuses and it decreased to 57.8% in 2017. 2- The illiteracy rate decreased from 39.4% in 1996 to 29.7% in 2006 and to 25.8% in 2017. It was 32.0%in rural compared to 17.7% in urban in 2017. The illiteracy rate decreased in both urban and rural areas during the period 3- 1996-2017 but is still higher in rural areas and represents about 1.8 times of the urban illiteracy rate in the three years. 4- Illiteracy rate decreased in all age groups during the period 1996-2017, the largest percentage of decrease was in the middle age groups (25-49 years), ranging from 17-22%. The lowest percentage of decrease was in the age groups (65 years and over) ranged between 5-11%. Percentage of decrease rate for the age group (10-24 years) ranged from 13-16%. 5- The highest illiteracy rate was 37.2% in Minya governorate in 2017, followed by three other governorates in Upper Egypt: Beni Suef (35.9%), Assiut (34.6%) and Suhag (33.6%). Behera governorate has the highest rate of illiteracy in Lower Egypt, followed by Kufr El-Sheikh (28.5%). As for the frontier governorates, the highest rate of illiteracy was in Matrouh Governorate (31.9%), followed by North Sinai Governorate (22.2%). 6- The lowest percentage of illiteracy in 2017 was 14.1% in Port Said Governorate and 15.3% in Suez Governorate 7- 5% of the illiterate population in (10-34) age groups enrolled in education but they dropped out, while the majority of the illiterate did not enroll (95%). Percentage of illiterate dropouts among males increased by 6.7%, compared to 3.7% among females. Non-enrollment main reason for much higher for female (96.3%) compared to males (93.3%). 8- There are four main reasons for non-enrollment of illiterates: respectively family unwillingness (34.2%), Financial status of family (27.0%), the individual unwillingness (23.2%) and difficulty of reaching school (8%). As for illiterates who dropped out of education, the main reason for the drop was individual unwillingness by 43.2% of total dropouts. Percentage of family unwillingness to continue education for females (24.1%) was more than three times the same reason for males (8.2%) 9- The highest percentage of dropout for illiterate persons was 22.4% in the third grade of primary education, followed by 18.1% for each of fourth and six grades. 10- Percentage of subscribers or beneficiaries of health insurance was 7.4%, and it is therefore clear that illiterate population does not enjoy health insurance benefits, which is available only for employees in governmental sector, public sector or formal private sector. This indicates that most of illiterates are working in informal sector, depriving them of health insurance benefits, and the fact that children are not enrolled in school (10-17 years) has also deprived them of health insurance benefits. This refers to the situation of poor illiterates and low standard of living which may lead to poor health status of their families and much vulnerability to disease, especially children. 11- 44% of illiterates use mobile phones, while percentage of mobile phone users for all individuals (4 years and over) is 65.4%. Percentage of illiterate males increased by (55.3%) compared to 35.8% for females and the percentage increased to 54% in urban areas compared to 40% in rural areas. 12- Percentage of illiterate computer users did not exceed 3%, while percentage of computer users for all individuals (4years and above) was 29.3%. The ratio increased slightly among illiterate males to be 4% compared to 2.3% for female 13- Percentage of Internet users among illiterate was 3.1%, while about 29% of total population (4 years and over) was Internet users. The percentage of males increased to 4.4% compared to 2.2% for females and increased to 5.8% in urban compared with 2.1% in rural. 14- This shows great isolation of illiterate group of society and inability to use modern technology such as computer and Internet. It is therefore necessary to seek other means of communication with illiterate group to communicate media messages that raise their awareness in all aspects of life. 15- About 20.86% of total illiterate have difficulty / disability (from some to cannot do at all) compared to 10.67% for total population (5 years and over). Percentage of males increased slightly to 22.27% compared to 19.85% for females. Percentage increased to 24.94% in urban compared to 19.26% in rural. 16- About 5.69% of total illiterate have difficulty / disability (a lot of difficulties to cannot do it all), compared to 2.61% for the total population (5 years and over). Percentage of males increased slightly to 6.36%, compared to 5.21% for females. The ratio rose to 6.43% in urban compared to 5.41% in rural. 17- The highest percentage of disability (a lot of difficulties to cannot do it all) of total Egypt was among disabled illiterates with walking or climbing stairs difficulty 2.62%, followed by 1.22% of illiterates with week vision (even if wearing glasses) and the lowest difficult for remembering or concentrating 0.89%. Recommendations 1- Achieve full capacity of primary school age students. 2- Fighting students drop out of in various ways, work to help poor families seeking to employ their children, provide them with income and follow them to prevent absence or dropout in education. 3- Emphasize need to improve of female's culture through literacy, by activating and developing literacy programs while encouraging girls to attend school on some equal bases boys as education is the basis for awareness of their rights, responsibilities and duties towards society both and family. 4- Increase efforts to eliminate phenomenon of female dropout from basic education, especially in rural Upper Egypt and slums in cities and achieve of basic education quality to prevent dropout and failure 5- Make use of scientific and technological progress to address this phenomenon through use of smart devices and Internet. 6- Benefiting from institutions and organizations active in such field and make use of countries experiences that have overcome illiteracy. 7- Link education to work in literacy programs and create opportunities to acquire skills required by labor market in connection with recent global changes. 8- Increase budget for literacy programs. 9- Work to provide affordable health support to illiterate people, as they do not have health insurance. 10- Working with youth centers and municipalities to raise awareness among illiterate in terms of culture and health. 11- Work on rehabilitation of illiterate through vocational rehabilitation centers to provide them with decent work opportunities in diagnosis, development and treatment.