المستخلص: |
يتلخص البحث في أنه يدرس حال راو من رواة الحديث، وهو عكرمة بن عمار اليمامي، اختلفت أقوال النقاد فيه، فاحتج به الإمام مسلم في صحيحه، وأخرج له أصحاب السنن الأربعة، ولم يخرج له البخاري. وقد تبين من خلال البحث أن له شيوخاً بلغوا تسعة وتسعين (99) شيخاً، وتلاميذ بلغوا مائة وأربعة وعشرين (124) تلميذاً، وقد اختلفت أقوال علماء الجرح والتعديل فيه، فمنهم من وثقه مطلقاً، ومنهم من ضعفه مطلقاً، ومنهم من ضعفه في بعض الشيوخ دون بعض، والراجح أنه ثقة ربما يهم في حديثه عن شيخه يحيى بن أبي كثير.
this research is summed up in the thatstuding the Status of the narrator of hadith Akrama Ibn Ammar Yamami - Critics had different opinions on his acceptance - Imam Muslim protested in his Saheeh - and He brought out the owners of the four books (the Sunan) for him - but al Bukhari didn’t it has been demonstrate by search that he had sheiks They reached( ninety nin 99) Sheikh- he also had disciples up to(one hundred twenty four124) disciple – critics (Wound and modification) had different opinions about him - Some of them said that he was reliable in Akramah ibn Ammar at all - and Some of them said he was weak at all - and Some of them said that it is weak, but in his talk about his teacher Yahya ibn Abi Katheer - and but The most correct is that he is documented in it, but he may make mistakes in his talk about his teacher .Yahya ibn Abi Kathee.