المستخلص: |
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على خير خلق الله نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه، أما بعد، فلقد يسر الله لي أن أكتب هذا البحث في (مخالفة نية المأموم للإمام)، وهو من الموضوعات المهمة في كتاب العبادات والتي يحتاج المسلم إليها كثيرا في صلاته وذلك لكثرة الحالات الموجبة لها، وقد حررت في بحثي هذا: مخالفة نية المأموم للإمام في الفرض والنفل (وفيه ثلاث مسائل)، ومخالفة نية المأموم للإمام في الفرض فقط (وفيه مسألتان)، ومخالفة نية المأموم للإمام في السفر والحضر (وفيه ثلاث مسائل)، وقد بحثتها بحثاً مقارنا، وذيلت بحثي بخاتمة مع بعض التوصيات.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah and may His praise and peace be upon the best of His Creation, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family, companions, and all those who follow him. To proceed: Allah has enabled me to write this research paper regarding differing intentions between the imam (the one leading the prayer) and the ma’moom (the one praying behind him). This is an important topic in the chapter of acts of worship due to the Muslim’s need for it in his prayer and and due to its frequent occurrence in various forms. I have researched the following topics in this paper: -when the ma’moom has a different intention than the imam in the obligatory or voluntary prayers. This includes three cases. -when the ma’moom has a different intention than the imam in the obligatory prayer only. This includes two cases. -when the ma’moom has a different intention than the imam during the states of both travel and residency. This includes three cases. I have done a comparative study of these matters and have concluded it with several suggestions. I ask Allah to guide us to what is right and to what is pleasing to Him.