المستخلص: |
ارتبط إنسان الشمال إفريقيا ببيئته الجغرافية التي طوعها واستمد منها قوة بقائه ووجوده، كما كانت له أيضا صلات حضارية مع سكان المناطق المجاورة وأستوعب بعض الشعوب التي تعامل معها مثل الفنيقيين، والتي لجأت إليه، وتعامل معها برفق وإحسان مادامت تحترمه وتتعايش معه، لقد سكن اليهود المنطقة وتعاملوا مع سكانها ومارسوا طقوسهم الدينية، دون خوف في المنطقة، وظلوا على مدار قرون يتمسكون بديانتهم ويمارسون عبادتها داخل بيعهم، وتأثر بهم بعض الساكنة الذين تهودوا بحكم العلاقة مع هذه الطائفة. ووجد المسيحيون الأوائل دعما من اليهود أنفسهم الذين احتووا المتنصرين الفارين من اضطهادات الأباطرة الرومان.. والذين اكتسبوا تعاطفا من قبل بعض السكان الذين تنصروا ودافعوا بشراسة عن معتقدهم الديني بل صار رمزا لمقاومتهم ضد الاحتلال الروماني.
The North African was associated with his geographical environment, from which he was inspired by the strength of his survival and existence, as well as having civilized connections with the inhabitants of the neighboring regions and absorbing some of the peoples that dealt with it like the Phoenicians, and who resorted to it, and dealt with it gently and kindly as long as it respected it and coexisted with it, he lived with it. For centuries, the Jews of the region dealt with their inhabitants and practiced their religious rituals without fear in the region, and for centuries they held on to their religion and worshipped within their own Synagogues, and were influenced by some of the inhabitants who were intimidated by the relationship with this sect. The early Christians found support from the Jews themselves, who contained the victors fleeing the persecution of roman emperors. Those who gained sympathy from some of the population who disavowed and fiercely defended their religious beliefs became a symbol of their resistance against Roman occupation.