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الحواجز بين المسلمين والغرب

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Barriers between the Muslims and the West
المصدر: مجلة العلوم الشرعية
الناشر: جامعة القصيم
المؤلف الرئيسي: القفاري، ناصر بن عبدالله بن علي (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج13, ع1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: السعودية
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
التاريخ الهجري: 1441
الشهر: سبتمبر
الصفحات: 881 - 934
ISSN: 1658-4066
رقم MD: 1023801
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة الحواجز بين المسلمين والغرب، حيث استعرض الباحث مواقف المسلمين من الغرب، ومواقف الغرب من المسلمين، ثم بيان الحواجز المانعة، وسبل التواصل الممكنة. وقد تباينت مواقف المسلمين والعرب من الغرب في ثلاثة اتجاهات، الأول: اتجاه غالي يذهب إلى قبول كل ما هو غربي، والثاني: اتجاه سلبي رافض لكل ما هو غربي، والثالث: اتجاه وسطي يقبل النافع ويرفض الضار. أما موقف الغرب من الإسلام، فتم تصنيفه إلى اتجاهين: الأول: الموقف المعادي الغالي: وهو الذي يسيء إلى الإسلام وكتابه ونبيه وشرائعه، ويصف الإسلام وأهله بما هم براء منه. الثاني: الموقف المنصف المعتدل: ويمثله فئة من الغربيين كانوا في مواقفهم منصفين، وفي أقوالهم ودراساتهم عن الإسلام وأهله معتدلين. وقد قام الباحث بتحليل أسباب وجذور هذا الموقف العدائي، ورصد منابع هذا الصراع. ثم ختم البحث برؤية حول أهم سبل التواصل لإزالة الحواجز بين المسلمين والغرب.

This research aims to study the barriers between the Muslims and the West. As well as reviewing the attitudes of the Muslims regarding the West and vice versa, the researched examined the barriers and the possible means of communication. There were contrasting attitudes among Muslims and Arabs regarding the West, and this discrepancy was manifested in three trends: The first trend refers to the radical approach which tends to accept all that is Western, and even calls for it to be embraced in whole, and go as far as cooperating with the West against people from of their own sect, and in the face of their countrymen, which includes: First, there is the sectarian trend represented by the Shiites (al-Rafidha). In the eyes of this sect’s scholars and Mullahs, the Jews and Christians are considered to be closer than the rest of the general Muslim population. Apart from declaring other Muslims infidels, they go as far as deeming their impurity as in-kind, which is an extremist view that does not hold true for the rest of the Muslim doctrines. However, they seemingly treat others according to the practice of taqiyyah (hypocrisy). The second group are the Arab Christians who openly call to join the West and keep abreast with the Western countries in all aspects regardless of whether their practices or acts are good or bad; accepted or denounced. In other words, they call for embracing all things Western. The third category includes people who claim to be Muslims but are the secular side. They also explicitly invite others to follow in the footsteps of the Arab Christians in terms of upholding Western values. The second trend refers to another negative rejectionist view of all that is Western: It is based on denouncing all constituents of the Western society, because it has as its source the infidels’ beliefs. This is undoubtedly the catalyst for derailing from the course of civilisation and lagging behind others, which is contrary to the fundamentals of Islam and its principles. Only few do represent this view nowadays. The third trend refers to middle way or wasatiyyah, which is the Arabic word for best, middle, centred, or balanced, but in an Islamic context, it is related to moderation. It takes the good aspects and rejects the harmful ones, not only in the technical field and physical sciences, but also in the context of ideas and theories that do not contradict the fundamentals of Islam, as well as the tools and strategies. This is actually the view of the Sunni scholars throughout the world. As for the attitude of the West towards Islam, it has been classified into two trends: The first is an extremist attitude: it is a radical view that seeks to demonise Islam, The holy Quran, and the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and his Sharia laws. It places Islam and its followers under one label, which has led to associating Islam in many people’s minds with violence and terrorism. The followers of this view risk being a stumbling block towards eliciting a better definition of the peaceful message of Islam and a truer version of the existing one. Some have gone as far as attempting to impose the material vision and doctrinal views of the West and spreading them in the Muslim countries through educational curricula, the media and the agendas of global politics aimed at manipulating the Muslim countries and their wealth and ensuring the continuation of their subordination. This trend is represented by many Western extremist leaders who have actually placed practical policies whose tangible effects we can clearly notice on a day-to-day basis. The other trend reflects the moderate position that is represented by a group of Westerners who seem to be justifiably fair and honest in terms of their attitudes, statements and studies about Islam and its moderate followers. The goal of this category of people is to seek the truth and make the right conclusions, which has eventually led them to convert to Islam. They have exerted strenuous efforts to defend Islam and remove the stereotyping and stigmatisation surrounding the Muslim faith. When analysing the roots of the conflict and its motives and causes through the testimonies of sensible Westerners, the impact of the Crusades could be clearly seen, not to mention some individual incidents perpetrated by some Muslims, which have been met with similar or even worse occurrences from other non-Muslims throughout history. The researcher also found that much of this hostility originates in the ignorance and lack of knowledge of Islam and its teachings, as well as the misconceptions that portray Islam as a religion that condones violence and encourages terrorist acts, which reflects the influence of the Western media in terms of the dissemination of these misconceptions. The researcher also identified texts of aggression contained in their holy book that call in a clear and incontrovertible language for the killing of all those not believing in their religion regardless of whether they are old or young or females. Undoubtedly, these texts are the nest of terrorism and the origin of aggression and the biggest obstacle to ensuring global security and peace. Based on the above, Muslims are required to do their utmost to introduce the West to the essence of Islam and the tolerance shown in its principles and provisions, as well as its fair treatment for the wrongdoers, and then to invite them to the religion of Allah with wisdom and gentle exhortation. The researcher recommended a number of methods and strategies to extend bridges of communication between Muslims and the West, and called for concerted efforts to introduce a specialist subject to familiarise the West with the truth of Islam by drawing on its original sources to show that the Islamic teachings and provisions can be considered as a safety valve for the world against any debilitating conflicts that have thrown the world into the abyss of destruction. In fact, Islam calls upon the removal of any barriers that hinder people from reaching the truth as it can be a mercy to the whole mankind. It is therefore a form of aggression to deny people such a blessing. Allah Almighty says: “And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107]. It is a world religion that came to emancipate humans from the worship of people to the worship of the Lord of mankind; and from the injustice of religions, principles, doctrines and philosophical trends to the justice of Islam; and from the misery of this world to the everlasting happiness of both this world and the Hereafter.

ISSN: 1658-4066

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