المستخلص: |
يتناول هذا البحث دراسة وثيقتين ترجعان إلى العصر المملوكي حفظهما مخطوط لم ينشر، وتتضمن الوثيقتان وقف الملك الأشرف خليل بن قلاوون لضياع افتتحها في بلاد الشام على مصالح القبة العظمى التي أنشأها والده الملك المنصور قلاوون، وضياع أخرى على مدرسته وتربته المعروفة بالأشرفية بالقاهرة وعلى مستحقيها. وهما وثيقتان جديدتان لم يسبق دراستهما ونشرهما، تنشران لأهميتهما في دراسة التاريخ الحضاري لحقبة مهمة من عصر المماليك.
This research aims at studying two documents that belong to Al Mamluk Era, which were saved in an unrevealed manuscript .These documents include King Khalil ibn Qalawūn's mortmain for the villages he liberated in the Levant and with its money & income he enhanced Al-Quba Al Authma that was created by his father King Al-Mansour ibn Qalawūn's as well as other villages near his school and grave which were known with Ashrafia in Cario. These mentioned documents are new and were never studied or examined nor published before. Now, they are revealed for their importance in studying the cultural history of an important period of Al Mamluk Era.