المستخلص: |
Holographic formation is part of group of arts classified under the name "plastic arts". Its elements consist of group masses, figures and colors , and the resulting spaces. Holographic formation is different from two dimensional sculpture. Many paper holographs were composed, including cube, sphere, hierarchy and other geometric figures. Paper holographic formation handles material directly, such as paper, because paper is easy to form. Paper material is the most expressive and easiest to use. It is rich in terms of formation capacities. This material can be used by the various methods of paper formation whether by cutting, threading and folding.. .etc. because any of these methods provide new formation capacities that learner enjoyment in sequence of their formation. Formation by paper is one of the materials of high capacities of formation and art creativity and their different types and forms and easy formation of them. The research addresses the role of paper holographic formation in modem sculpture and use of it in the field of art education by analysis and study of some models of works of artists who handled paper holographic formation that the researcher found to be suitable to the nature of paper material by analysis of works of artists in holographic formation by paper.