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الخوارزمية فى فلك جنكيزخان: مشهد فناء دولة 606 - 628 هـ. = 1209 - 1231 م.

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Kharisms Target Genkiskhane: The Fall of an Empire 1209 - 1231
Les Kharismes Cible de Genkiskhane: Céne de la Chute d’un Empire
المصدر: مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
الناشر: جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة - كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
المؤلف الرئيسي: بن حسين، مصطفى (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع15
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الجزائر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2018
الصفحات: 239 - 277
ISSN: 2253-010X
رقم MD: 1074168
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
الخوارزمية | علاء الدين محمد خوارزم شاه | جلال الدين منكبرتى | جنكيزخان | مغول | الناصر لدين الله | الإسماعيلية | آسيا
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المستخلص: لم يكن جنكيزخان المغولي يتوقع أو يحلم طرفة عين أن يتمكن من إنشاء دولة تبلغ هيبتها الآفاق، فيكسر العروش، ويقيم نظامه الدولي الخاص، المبني على الطغيان والجبروت، ولم يكن ذلك ليتحقق لولا الخدمة الجليلة التي قدمها له السلطان الشيعي الخوارزمي علاء الدين محمد، وبكسر ذلك الحاجز الإقليمي اتضحت الطريق معبدة مباشرة أمام جحافل المغول لفتح العالم وسفك دماء الآلاف من البشر الأبرياء منهم والمخطئين، دلت سرعة توسع إمبراطورتيه على عمق الشقاق والنفاق في العام الإسلامي في تلك الفترة وحجم الدسائس التي تجذرت وتشعبت بشكل مطرد في شرقه لكثرة طوائفه ونحله ومذاهبه الدينية والسياسية.

It was quite predictable that the Mongol Empire would stretch as far as History tells us, while Ginkiskhan himself was not even dreaming of such great glory, but this could not be achieved without the anticipation of the mediocre regency of the Sultan Kharismite Shiite alaa dine Mohamed, who with impunity continued to increase the number of enemies in the Muslim camp and to create fratricidal wars and eliminate the emirs of neighboring provinces to monopolize their provinces, automatically causing the fall of the zone that separated the Mongols from the Muslim provinces. The neighboring state of the Karakitai was a bad taste of the Kharismites because they were not without opportunity to make war and invade the Muslim neighboring cities that were under the rule of Sultan Mohammed Kharism Shah, including the city of Samarkand, and on it was the sacred duty of shah Mohammed Kharism to prevent such acts from happening again in the future, and that was what encouraged him to lead several expeditions to correct or eliminate these enemies, but in reality the Karakitai were from the strategic and military point of view as an exclusion zone or buffer zone between the Kharismites and other nations all dangerous to each other, such as the Mongols, which the predecessors of Shah Mohamed Kharism avoided rubbing against them, and he was absolutely essential that such a zone remain in place, but the fact is that not only was Mohamed Kharism shah This was a war on this defensive wall, but then it did not fail to encourage the Mongolian GenkizKhane to raze this bordering area, which could be described, from a strategic point of view, as an unconscious or suicidal act on the part of Shah Mohamed Kharism. On this fact the road cleared out well in front of the great warrior and conqueror, the Mongolian GenkizKhane, and to find himself alone in the face of the Mongol Flood, which broke loose leaving behind desolation and bloodshed of several thousand 'innocents reminding humanity of the terrifying conquests of the Huns, did not we say that where the huns pass the grass passed, nevertheless other actors have anticipated well, near or far, to this epic Mongolian and the fall of several thrones and among others the empire of Kharism, because indeed the Abbasid empire which was not far geographically and politically did not stop falling because of the weakness of the last caliphs, and in addition it is his fear of the evil intentions of the Sultan Kharismite who dreamed of conquering the city of Baghdade, and what followed, which led the Khalifa Abbasid to glimpse an escape from the inevitable by inciting and The Mongolians were eager to follow in the footsteps of their enemy, which ultimately proved fatal to both belligerents. On the other hand it is necessary to mention the competition of another actor who does not fail to assert his guilt to the facts, certainly the sect of Ishmaelite Shiite assassins was a relatively small number, to say insignificant compared to the neighboring forces but it is necessity to say that the insistence and the fervor of these emirs did not fail to convince of the necessity of such an expedition, because indeed the fear of these of a possible conquest of their territory, which was more than Certainly, kharisms urged them to convince the Mongolians of an act that ultimately led to their loss.

Il était tout á fait prévisible que lꞌEmpire Mongol sꞌétende aussi loin que lꞌHistoire nous décrit, alors que Ginkiskhan lui-même nꞌon rêvait même pas dꞌune aussi grande gloire, mais ceci ne pouvait se réaliser sans lꞌanticipation de la médiocre régence du sultan Kharismite chiite alaa dine Mohamed qui en toute impunité ne cessait dꞌétendre le nombre dꞌennemis au sain du camp musulman et en créant des guerres fratricides et en éliminant les émirs des provinces limitrophes pour sꞌen accaparer leurs provinces, ce qui provoquât automatiquement la chute de la zone qui séparait les mongoles des provinces musulmanes, et sur ce fait la route sꞌéclaircissait bien tracée au devant du grand guerrier et conquérant, et pour se trouver en fin du compte seul face au deluge mongol, qui déferlait en laissant derrière lui désolation et bain de sang de plusieurs milliers d’innocents rappelant á lꞌHumanité les terrifiantes conquêtes des Huns, ne disait on pas que là ou les huns passent lꞌherbe trépasse, néanmoins dꞌautres acteurs ont bien anticipés, de prés ou de loin, á cette épopée mongol et la chute de plusieurs trônes et entre autres l’empire de Kharisme, car en effet l’empire Abbasside qui n’en été pas loin géographiquement et politiquement n’en finissait pas de chuter vue la faiblesse des derniers khalifats, et en plus c’est sa crainte des mauvaises intentions du sultan Kharismite qui rêvait de conquérir la vile de Baghdade, et ce qui en suit, qui emmena le Khalifa Abbasside á entrevoir une échappatoire á lꞌinévitable en incitant et invitant les Mongoles á emboiter le pas de son ennemi, ce qui sꞌavérait en fin de compte fatale au deux belligérants.

ISSN: 2253-010X