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التحولات الاجتماعية فى نظر مالك بن نبى

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Sociological Transformations from ben Nabi's Point of View
Transformations Sociologiques au Point de Vue de ben Nabi
المصدر: مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
الناشر: جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة - كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
المؤلف الرئيسي: كتفى، ياسمين (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Kefi, Yasmina
المجلد/العدد: مج9, ع1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الجزائر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
الصفحات: 77 - 94
ISSN: 2253-010X
رقم MD: 1074417
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: xEduSearch
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
التحولات الاجتماعية | الحياة الاجتماعية | الحراك الاجتماعى | المجتمع وعاداتهم | Sociological Transformations | Social Life | Social Movement | Social Change
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المستخلص: يعتبر مالك ابن نبي من أهم المفكرين الجزائريين الذين اهتموا بتحليل الواقع الذي تعيشه المجتمعات الإسلامية، حيث اتجه نحو إبراز مشكلة العالم الإسلامي باعتبارها مشكلة حضارة أولا وقبل كل شيء، تلعب فيها الفكرة الدينية الدور الأساس في صنعها. ورغم أن مالك ابن نبي ليس عالم اجتماع متخصص، فإن إسهاماته المتميزة قد جعلت منه فيلسوفا اجتماعيا كبيرا، خاصة فيما يتعلق بنظرته لدور الحضارة التي تتم في نظره إلا حينما تدخل التاريخ فكرة دينية معينة. تمنح المجتمع الوعي بهدف معين تصبح معه الحياة ذات معني. فيقوى على مجابهة الصعوبات التي يواجه بها التاريخ. ويصبح بصيرا بهدف جهوده كما يعلل ابن نبي سقوط المجتمعات وتدهورها نتيجة لغياب العمل والعامل الديني. إذ أن البناء الاجتماعي لا يقوى على البقاء لمقومات الفن والعلم والعقل فحسب لأن الروح وحدها هي التي تتيح للإنسانية أن تنهض وتتقدم. وهذا ما حاولت مناقشته في هذا البحث من خلال تحليل التحولات الاجتماعية في فكر ابن نبي.

Malik ben Nabi considers himself one of the most brilliant Muslim thinkers who had analyzed the realities of Muslim communities. He endeavored to highlight that the problem of the Muslim world was civilization where religious thought plays a fundamental role. Although he is not a specialized sociologist. He has become a great philosopher sociologist thanks to his distinguished contributions. And especially as regards his point of view on civilization. He sees that civilization is the product of a religious thought that gives society the consciousness of living. So society can face the difficulties of history and becomes insightful. Socrates justifies the decadence of a society by the lack of the religious factor. The social structure can not resist with art. science and reason only, but it is also with the spirit that brings humanity back to life. This is what I tried to discuss here through the analysis of sociological transformations from Ben Nabi's point of view. The research includes an Introduction, a Development and a Conclusion with a list of references through a structuring of research including the following Conceptual approach and problematic, a presentation and an analysis of the results. The social relations that bind the individual to society are in fact the shadow of the spiritual relationship in the temporal domain. Unification is the principle that gives the Islamic civilization its identity and connects all its components together to make it an integrated organic entity we call civilization. Malik bin Nabi has overcome the problems of chronic underdevelopment, bypassing the floating phenomena on the surfaces to the deep-rooted roots and the search for the Sunan and the laws that would enable people to turn from dependence and helplessness to power and efficiency and thus overcome the problem of colonialism to deal with the problem of colonialism. To the duty, and the world of things and people to the world of ideas, stressing (God does not change what people to change what themselves) Malik read the history of Islamic civilization and the history of other civilizations, especially the survey and Judaism, and stood on the factors of the Renaissance and the causes of the fall, where he saw that it passes through several stages from the birth of the idea to its spread and degeneration, the headquarters of the religious idea plays the main role, influenced by analyzes Ibn Khaldun Benitech, Psychologists, sociologists and history. This is what I tried to enrich in these papers by answering the following question: How did Malik Ibn Nabi conceive the social transformations and what are the stages of this transformation? Malik Ibn Nabi was the first researcher in my theory who revealed the dimensions of the problem and identified the basic elements of the reform, focused on the search for symptoms and the first to deposit a specific approach to investigate the problem of Muslims on the basis of of psychology and sociology and the year of history. He wanted to analyze the causes of the fall of the Islamic civilization and distort the spiritual stage in his instincts after the Battle of Safin without taking into account the historical stages. Here he is not a historian until he observes historical incidents. He is a psychologist. I wanted to explain the root of the deep problem of the religious idea. After that The owner of the son of a prophet distinguished between three historical stages in which societies and civilizations go through their development: the spiritual stage is occupied by the world of ideas and the mental stage.

Malik ben nabi considère comme l’un des penseurs musulmans les plus brillants qui s’étaient occupés de l’analyse le réel vécu par les communautés musulmanes.il s’est appliqué à mettre en évidence que le problème du monde musulman s’agissait de la civilisation là ou la pensée religieuse joue un rôle fondamental. Malgré qu’il ne soit pas un sociologue spécialisé. Il s’est fait un grand philosophe sociologue grâce à ses contributions distinguées. Et surtout en ce qui concerne son point de vue sur la civilisation. Il voit que la civilisation est le produit d’une pensée religieuse qui accorde à la société la conscience de vivre. Ainsi la société peut affronter les difficultés de l’histoire et devient perspicace. Socrate justifie la décadence d’une société par le manque du facteur religieux. La structure sociale ne peut pas résister avec l’art. la science et la raison seulement mais c’est aussi avec l’esprit qui fait renaitre l’humanité. C’est ce que j’ai tenté de débattre ici à travers l’analyse des transformations sociologiques au point de vue de Ben Nabi.

ISSN: 2253-010X

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