المستخلص: |
يشتهر تنتالوس بارتكابه العديد من الجرائم المروعة، التي استحق عليها عذابه الأبدي المعروف. وتعتبر أسطورة قتله لابنه بيلوبس أكثرها بشاعة، إذ تروى الأسطورة أنه ذبح ابنه بيلوبس وقام بطهيه، ثم قدمه وليمة للآلهة، الذين حلوا ضيوفا على مائدته بدعوة منه. يسعى الباحث في هذه الدراسة إلى تفسير هذه الأسطورة وتحديد زمنها الأسطوري في ضوء مدرسة الأسطورة والطقس، واعتمادا على المنهجين التحليلي والمقارن.
It is widely accepted that Tantalus is famed for his many reprehensible crimes, which earned him his eternal punishment. The legend of offering up his son, Pelops, as a sacrifice to the gods is the most horrifying. The legend tells that he slaughtered his son, cooked him, and then served him up as food within a feast for the gods. They were guests invited at Tantalus’ table. The researcher, in this study, seeks to interpret this myth and determine its mythical time in the light of myth and ritual theory based on analytical and comparative methods. The researcher concluded that this myth belongs to the silver age. It is related to the drought associated with the disappearance of Persephone. Hence, the sacrifice of Pelops was a ritual intended to bring fertility, and then turned into a rite of passage.