المستخلص: |
لا شك أن التملق والخداع وجهان لعملة واحدة؛ فليس الخداع أن يقوم الشخص بخداع من حوله فحسب، بل أيضا ما يقوم به الإنسان من خداع لنفسه والكذب عليها، حتى يصل إلى القناعة التامة بأنه يملك من الصفات ما يجعله يقهر من حوله ليصبح مغرورا باحثا عما يشبع نهمه في البقاء متفردا في صفاته دون سواه. لكن ذلك الأمر لا يتأتى إلا من خلال من يغذى هذا الشعور لدى المغرور، ذلك الشخص أو هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين يصبحون بمثابة الوقود الذي يساعد هذا المغرور على الاستمرار في البقاء، والظن بأنه كما يؤمن ويحب. فيصبح وجوده بلا قيمة دون وجود من يثنى عليه وعلى ملامح شخصيته النفسية والجسدية، ويمجد رجاحة عقله ونفاذ بصيرته وسداد قراره، وألا يعارض له كلاما ولا يناقش له حكما. من هنا يتحول الكذب إلى ما يشبه الصدق والخيال إلى واقع والوهم إلى حقيقة والخسة الى علو. من هنا ينبري المغرور يرسم لمن حوله طريق الأمل. إلى أن تأتى اللحظة الفارقة التي يكتشف فيها أنه لم يكن سوى دمية في أيدي الآخرين الذين سعوا للتخلص منه، والثورة عليه واقتلاعه من جذوره. ليس لأنهم قد سئموا ذلك المغرور الضعيف، لكن لأنهم أرادوا أن يبحثوا لأنفسهم عن مغرور جديد، لتبدأ معه مهزلة جديدة. من هنا تأتى دراستنا لشخصية الجندي "بيربجولينكيس Pyrgopolynices" في مسرحية الجندي المغرور miles Gloriosus للشاعر الكوميدي الروماني بلاوتوس Plautus. وسوف نناقش في بحثنا النقاط التالية: -ما أسباب اختيار بلاوتوس لأن تكون شخصية المغرور جنديا وليست شخصية نمطية أخرى؟ وهل الغرور يستلزم وجود القوة، أم أن الغرور قد يوجد بدون الحاجة لوجود القوة؟
There is no doubt that flattery and deception are two sides of a single coin. Deception is not only when a person deceives those who are around him, but also what a person may do by deceiving and lying to himself until he reaches the full conviction that he possesses qualities make him overcome those around him. Then he becomes arrogant searching for what is fulfil his desires to remain unique in his qualities rather than anyone else. However, this can only be done by the person who feeds this feeling of the arrogant, that person or those who become the fuel that helps the arrogant to survive, and make him feel the way that he believes and loves. So, his existence becomes worthless without any praise for him and on the features of his psychological and physical features, and glorifies his mind and his insight and the sharpness of his decisions, and not to oppose his words and does not discuss his judgments. From here lies turn into truth, and imagination turns into reality and illusion to reality and meanness to elevation. From here, the arrogant will draw the path of hope to those around. Until the moment comes when he discovers that he was only a puppet in the hands of others, who sought to get rid of him, and revolutionize and uprooting him. Not because they were tired of that weak and false arrogant, but because they wanted to find for themselves a new arrogant, in order to start with a new farce. From that, prospective we shall study the character of Pyrgopolynices in the Miles Gloriosus of Plautus. We shall discuss in our research the following points: - The making of deception and the extent of its association with the subtlety of deceit on the one hand, and the desire of the deceived himself to be deceived. How can a person turn from an eyewitness to a person who is deceiving under the fear of punishment, and then to acquiesce to the pressure around him, in order to change his words and to deny what he had seen before. - The reasons why Plautus chose to be the character of the arrogant the soldier to be the arrogant character and a different character. - Does vanity require the presence of power, or vanity may exist without it? - Is there any message or messages that Plautus wanted to convey to his audience through his play, or was it just a comedy full with laughter and ridicule no more?