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This essay entitled “And the sanctities are retribution: The sacred tree and the sanction of its cutter”. It deals with the penalty of that person who cut the sacred tree. It examines the role of the goddess which tree is sacred to her. The sacred trees in ancient Greek and Roman sources were existed for the specific purpose of linking the sacred realm of the gods and the profane world of humans. The pious man must not to cut the sacred tree. The sacredness of the tree was belonging to certain gods, such as, the oak tree was sacred to the goddess Demeter (Ceres). Erysichthon was an impious man, and angers the goddess Demeter (Ceres) by cutting down the oak tree which sacred to her. The story is mentioned in Callimachus and Ovidius, and shows that Erysichthon’s careless to the nature and his lack of interest for the gods causes a dangerous sickening emptiness within him. Demeter (Ceres) demands from the goddess of hunger to make Erysichthon feeling with hungry always. The hungry made escaping from consumption is impossible, in turn, has consumed his whole being. The penalty for ignoring the sanctities is only destruction.