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وأد البنات وقتل الأولاد والرق بين الجاهلية والإسلام

العنوان المترجم: Female Infanticide and The Killing of Boys, and Slavery Between Pre-Islamic Era and Islam
المصدر: مجلة كلية الإمام الأعظم الجامعة
الناشر: كلية الإمام الأعظم
المؤلف الرئيسي: عبدالله، فلاح نجم (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع28
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: العراق
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
الصفحات: 415 - 449
DOI: 10.36047/1227-000-028-011
ISSN: 1817-6674
رقم MD: 1118347
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: Ahmad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to follow me on this modest research, in which I spoke about the approach of the Sun¬nah in the reform of the pre-Islamic society, and through my writing for this research I reached the most important results: abolished many of the doctrines of ignorance and negation and de¬cided the doctrine of monotheism. r 1- That our noble messenger 2- He made a great effort to enlighten the Arabs and liberate them and to defeat their faith and turn them into the purest creed of unity. 3- After the greatest editor of mankind in their removalrour Holy Prophet from the legacies of the worship of stones to the level of worship Creator. 4- A person must be humble and keep away from the evil things that were in the ignorance of Islam came to warn them and stay away from them. 5. The concept of worship in Islam has two basic elements: a. Total submission to God. B. This submission is intentional. 6. A person can make his entire life a worship even in his habits, traditions and instincts of food, drink and housing 7. God Almighty has forgiven man for believing in him and acknowledging his righteousness, so that the polytheists and infidels who have made your partners in worship acknowledge his uniqueness with his righteousness 8. Islam free women from the rods of injustice and bad habits prac¬ticed by the Arabs in ignorance and called for mercy and compassion and promised good reward for that. 9. (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam is the guardian of the parents with their children. 10. The warned and warned and promised both open the door of- Holy Prophet ( ) This spoiled the roads leading torthe shark and our holy Messenger ( polytheism, including construction on the graves 11. A person must believe and believe that no one brings goodness except Allah and does not hit us anything except with His permission. 12. Every Muslim must warn against the question of astrolo¬gy, which is still evil in people and increases their belief in them He must thank God when the blessings of rain and oth¬ers, everything that happened to the person of yes, it must He has to attribute it to Allaah and to thank Allaah for it and not to at¬tribute it to anyone else or to anyone who created it, but rather to give preference to the Beneficent, which is God Almighty. 13. Islam is the religion of freedom. It calls for it and is appointed to achieve it. Its legislations sought to narrow the gates of slavery and to expand the paths of freedom and freedom, to the point of preventing slavery. ment of dignity and subject to orders and Nowah 14. A Muslim must rely on God in all matters and not to let him know and believe that he does not come to good and does not drive evil, praise and praise, which harms and benefits, and he who acts in the universe. 15. A Muslim should ask for the sharia law but the sharia law under its terms and conditions. If the slave breaks these conditions or one of them, then they will be illegitimate. 16. The slave in Islam in terms of humanity is differ¬ent from the master, he enjoys all the owner enjoys the treat

ISSN: 1817-6674

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