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|a عنوان البحث: الخلاف في إعمال الرأي بين مدرستي الفقهاء والمحدثين الأسباب والنتائج. الباحث: الدكتور خالد مميد/ باحث بجامعة السربون ١ باريس قسم تاريخ الأديان/ خريج مركز الدكتوراه كلية الشريعة بأكادبر بالمغرب. تناولت في هذا البحث موضوع الخلاف في إعمال الرأي بين مدرستي الفقهاء والمحدثين، متبعا في ذلك المنهج الاستقرائي التتبعي والتحليلي لبيان أصول تلك المدارس، مع بيان فضيلة اتباع النص مع إعمال العقل الذي حباه الله تعالى للبشر. وقد جعلت البحث في مقدمة، وأربعة مباحث، وخاتمة. ففي المقدمة بينت أهداف البحث، وفيه بيان أسباب الخلاف بين مدرستي الفقهاء والمحدثين في قضية التوسع في إعمال الرأي. ثم بينت ثانيا: آثار التوسع في إعمال الرأي في الأحكام الشرعية وطرق الإفادة منها في القضايا المعاصرة. وأما المبحث الأول: فقد بينت فيه حقيقة الخلاف، وحقيقة الرأي وحجيته. وأما المبحث الثاني: فقد ذكرت فيه التعريف بمدرستي الحديث والفقهاء، وأسباب اختلافهما في قضية الرأي. وأما المبحث الثالث: فقد بينت فيه بيان آثار الاختلاف -بين المدرستين في قضية الرأي في -الأحكام الشرعية. وأما المبحث الرابع: فقد ذكرت فيه بعض الأمثلة من الخلاف بين المدرستين، وجعلت ابن عبد البر، وابن حزم مثالا. ثم الخاتمة: وذكرت فيها أهم النتائج والاستنتاجات. والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على رسوله الأمين.
|b Title: Divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the use of independent reasoning (opinion): causes and results. Author: Dr. Khalid Mimid In this research, I have discussed the divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the use of independent reasoning. I followed a deductive and analytical approach to clarify the origins of those schools, along with an explanation of the virtue of following the texts (hadiths) also while using the faculty of reasoning that God Almighty bestowed on mankind. I have organised the research into an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, I showed the purpose of the research, which is to explain the causes of the divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the issue of expanding the use of opinion. I also explained the effects of expanding the use of opinion in the legal rulings and ways to benefit from them in contemporary issues. As for the first chapter: I have outlined the boundaries of the dispute and defined what is the use of opinion and its validity as a proof. As for the second chapter: I defined the schools of hadith and jurisprudence, and the reasons for their divergence regarding the use of opinion. As for the third chapter: I explained the effects of this divergence on the legal rulings. As for the fourth chapter: I have mentioned some examples of the dispute between the two schools citing the case of Ibn Abd al-Barr and Ibn Hazm. Finally, in the conclusion: I highlighted the most important results and deductions. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon His faithful prophet.
|d Title: Divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the use of independent reasoning (opinion): causes and results. Author: Dr. Khalid Mimid In this research, I have discussed the divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the use of independent reasoning. I followed a deductive and analytical approach to clarify the origins of those schools, along with an explanation of the virtue of following the texts (hadiths) also while using the faculty of reasoning that God Almighty bestowed on mankind. I have organised the research into an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, I showed the purpose of the research, which is to explain the causes of the divergence between the schools of jurisprudence and hadith regarding the issue of expanding the use of opinion. I also explained the effects of expanding the use of opinion in the legal rulings and ways to benefit from them in contemporary issues. As for the first chapter: I have outlined the boundaries of the dispute and defined what is the use of opinion and its validity as a proof. As for the second chapter: I defined the schools of hadith and jurisprudence, and the reasons for their divergence regarding the use of opinion. As for the third chapter: I explained the effects of this divergence on the legal rulings. As for the fourth chapter: I have mentioned some examples of the dispute between the two schools citing the case of Ibn Abd al-Barr and Ibn Hazm. Finally, in the conclusion: I highlighted the most important results and deductions. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon His faithful prophet.