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الاستشراق الفني وتأثره بالإسلام: الفنان الفرنسي ناصر الدين دينيه أنموذجا

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Artistic Orientalism and Its Influence By Islam: The French Artist "Naser Ad-Din Dinier" Is a an Example
المصدر: المجلة الليبية لعلوم التعليم
الناشر: الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التعليم
المؤلف الرئيسي: الخراز، سعاد (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع6
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: ليبيا
التاريخ الميلادي: 2022
الشهر: أغسطس
الصفحات: 21 - 36
رقم MD: 1439961
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
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المستخلص: Perhaps it is not new to say that artistic Orientalism began several centuries ago and reached its climax at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. This period witnessed an enthusiastic rush in the field of Orientalism, due to the fact that armies insisted on accompanying large numbers of painters, scholars and diplomats in their various campaigns towards the East. Research Problem: The researcher, as a specialist in drawing and painting, her attention was drawn towards the emergence of a great French artist who studied, with his realistic- documentarist paintbrush, many aspects of life in the Maghreb region, particularly in Algeria, where he lived for quite a while until he became a citizen of this country and by embracing Islam made him approach and become more integrated in Algerian social life. The "East" fulfilled all the needs that the European wanted from him. The word orient immediately evokes many repercussions in his mind, such as “the Muslim, the fraud, the thousand and one nights, the desert, the dance, the sermon, the crusade, the gospel,” which requires one to have a mind characterized by awareness and determination in order to be able to see the truth away from these rafts of controversial allusions. Orientalist artists were not covered more profoundly in the depth of their artworks, and what are the impressions of these Orientalist artists on our Arab and Islamic lives and our popular social culture, so some questions were formed on this subject, as follows: 1- Why did a number of Western artists turn to the Arab and Islamic East and carried out artistic works reflecting the reality of life, its temperament and cultur. 2- To what extent were these Western artists affected by the culture and desert nature of our Arab countries? 3- Why the artist "Etienne Dinier" devoted most of his life and his paintbrush in Arab Islamic Algeria? Research Importance: 1- The importance of the research lies in the study of Orientalism in art as an aesthetic critical study. 2- Enriching the art library with research devoted to drawing and painting. 3- This research is useful to researchers and scholars of the plastic artistic vision and the aesthetics of "Orientalist art" that emerged from the Orientalist explorers. Research Objectives: 1- Introducing the Orientalist movement, its goals, reasons for its emergence, motives and its relationship to art. 2- Revealing visions in art as an aesthetic critical study. 3- Enriching the artistic and influential library of the Islamic religion on the artworks of the orient lists. 4- Revealing the most important contents of the most significant works of the French orientalist artist, Etienne Denier.