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|b Hadith knowledge goes through a process of development from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW until now. Despite the speed, many scientific figures occupy various positions in hadith science, whether as narrators of hadith (ruwāt), critics of hadith (nuqqād), compilers of hadith works (muṣannif), and so on. Their biographies, services and contributions are recorded in detail in various works throughout the ages, including in studies at the Institute of Higher Education in Malaysia. Thus, this article aims to identify theses and dissertations produced related to hadith scholars by postgraduate candidates in the field of hadith based on bibliometric analysis. This study applies a qualitative research approach with the theme of literature review. The data is collected from document sources such as theses, dissertations and scientific articles, particularly from the Malaysian Theses Online (MyTO) website. The results of the analysis show that from 1974 until now, the total number of theses and dissertations on hadith scholars produced amounted to 38 studies. There are 10 studies at the doctoral level while the rest, 28 studies at the master's level. In conclusion, the study of the prominence of hadith scholars needs to be intensified as a sign of appreciation for their contribution to the field of hadith.
|d Ilmu hadith melalui proses perkembangan sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW sehingga kini. Di sebalik kepesatan itu, terdapat ramai tokoh-tokoh ilmuwan yang menduduki pelbagai posisi dalam ilmu hadith, sama ada sebagai perawi hadith (ruwāt), pengkritik hadith (nuqqād), penyusun karya hadith (muṣannif), dan sebagainya. Biografi, jasa dan sumbangan mereka direkodkan secara terperinci dalam pelbagai jenis karya sepanjang zaman, termasuk dalam kajian di Institut Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tesis dan disertasi yang dihasilkan berkaitan tokoh ulama hadith oleh para calon pascasiswazah dalam bidang hadith berdasarkan analisis bibliometrik. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan pendekatan kajian secara kualitatif bertemakan kajian kepustakaan. Data-data dikumpulkan daripada sumber dokumen seperti tesis, disertasi dan artikel ilmiah, khususnya daripada laman sesawang Malaysian Theses Online (MyTO). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa sejak tahun 1974 sehingga kini, keseluruhan tesis dan disertasi tentang tokoh ulama hadith yang dihasilkan berjumlah 38 buah kajian. Terdapat 10 buah kajian di peringkat ijazah kedoktoran sementara selebihnya, 28 buah kajian di peringkat sarjana. Kesimpulannya, kajian tentang ketokohan ulama hadis perlu dipergiatkan sebagai suatu tanda apresiasi terhadap sumbangan mereka kepada bidang hadith.