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Iraqi Arabic includes the use of various types of polite terms and utterances. An important type of polite utterances is greeting. Greetings are essential parts of everyday interaction. They are produced on various intonational patterns. The speech of 48 Iraqi Arabic speakers is recorded to examine the intonational patterns of greetings. The participants are divided into three groups: educated, partly educated and uneducated participants. Each group includes eight men and eight women. The intonational system of Halliday and Greaves (2008) is adopted to describe the intonational patterns used. The study concludes that greetings in Iraqi Arabic are formal or informal depending on the relationship between the speaker and addressee in addition to the context of the situation. In respect to intonation, men use falling tones more than women do on formal and informal greetings. The examination of the intonation of Iraqi Arabic requires a modification of Halliday and Greaves‟ system of intonation (2008) by adding new symbols to account for the intonational patterns observed.