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|a يوجد العديد من السلع الاستراتيجية الزراعية الهامة والتي لا يكفي الإنتاج المحلى الاستهلاك، وهي من السلع التي تتأثر بالسياسة الزراعية المتبعة. ويهتم البحث الحالي بكل من القمح والفول البلدي باعتبارهما في مقدمة المحاصيل الغذائية الاستراتيجية الهامة. ويهدف البحث إلى قياس أثر السياسة الزراعية على التكاليف والعوائد للإنتاج الزراعي، لقياس أثر السياسة الحكومية على الربحية وكفاءة استخدام الموارد، بالإضافة إلى قياس عوائد الحكومة والكفاءة الاقتصادية والرفاهية. وقد تم استخدام مصفوفة تحليل السياسات الزراعية ونموذج التوازن الجزئي وذلك خلال الفترة (۲۰۱۳/ ٢٠١٤-٢٠١٩/ ٢٠٢٠). وقد تبين تناقص الضرائب الضمنية ودعم المستهلك التي يتحملها مزارعي القمح والفول البلدي، وتناقص الدعم الضمني التي يحصل عليها مزارعي القمح والفول البلدي، انخفاض الميزة النسبية لمحصول القمح وارتفاعها الميزة النسبية لمحصول الفول البلدي، وانخفاض الأعباء الحكومية، وحصيلة الدولة من النقد الأجنبي، وفائض المنتج في فترة بعد تعويم سعر الصرف بالمقارنة بفترة قبل تعويل سعر الصرف، وارتفاع فائض المستهلك، وصافي المكسب على مستوى المنتج، وصافي الخسارة على مستوى المستهلك، وصافي الخسارة المجتمعية في فترة بعد تعويم سعر الصرف بالمقارنة بفترة قبل تعويل سعر الصرف.
|b Food security affects political and economic stability, so economic plans must be developed based on economic studies aimed at increasing production and rationalizing consumption on the one hand, and aiming to correct the structural imbalances in agricultural policy related to pricing, support or trade on the other hand, especially in light of the great reliance on Food imports from the world market, which is characterized by instability. There are many important agricultural strategic commodities whose local production is not sufficient for consumption. They are among the commodities that are affected by the agricultural policy followed. The current research is concerned with both wheat and faba beans as they are at the forefront of important strategic food crops. The research aims to measure the impact of agricultural policy on the costs and returns of agricultural production, to measure the impact of government policy on profitability and resource use efficiency, in addition to measuring government returns, economic efficiency and welfare. The agricultural policies analysis matrix and the partial equilibrium model were used during the period (2013/2014- 2019/2020), which was divided into the period before the flotation of the exchange rate (2013/2014- 2015/2016), and the period after the flotation of the exchange rate (2017)./2018- 2019/2020), in addition to the year 2016/2017, in which the exchange rate was floated. The most important results were as follows: - Decreased implicit taxes and consumer subsidies borne by wheat and bean farmers. - The implicit subsidy to wheat and bean farmers has decreased. - Both the nominal protection coefficient for outputs and the nominal protection coefficient for inputs tend to decrease, which is consistent with agricultural policies towards gradual elimination away from distortions of price markets, noting that it is in favor of implicit taxes. - It was found that the adopted agricultural policy has led to an increase in the added value of wheat and faba bean crops, and the differences between the added value at local prices and international prices have also decreased, which may indicate a reduction in price distortions in the local market for both production and inputs. - The adopted agricultural policy has led to a decrease in the comparative advantage of the wheat crop and an increase in the comparative advantage of the faba bean crop. - Decreased government burdens and the state’s foreign exchange earnings in the event of the state’s intervention to a lesser extent than in the case of the state’s noninterference, - Decreased government burdens, the state's foreign exchange earnings, and product surplus in the period after the exchange rate float compared to the period before the exchange rate was floated. - Increase in consumer surplus, net gain at the producer level, net loss at the consumer level, and net societal loss in the period after the exchange rate float compared to the period before the exchange rate was floated.