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|b No hidden is role played by Plato and Aristotle in the history of philosophy in general, and that of the Greek philosophy in particular. We find it is necessary to increase and go far when writing researches about such philosophers due to the distinctive and important role they played in knowledge acquiring. Our subject is closely related with that of knowledge of those two philosophers. For each, dialectic is the spirit of philosophy and is different, as was described by Rafael when he draw Plato referring to the sky, indicating some kind of dialectic which is called the upward dialectic. It is in fact the method Plato followed to attain knowledge. Meanwhile, we find the printer himself draw Aristotle referring to earth, this means that the kind of dialectic Aristotle followed is the downward dialectic which is the way he followed to attain knowledge. In spite of the kind of relationship between Plato and Aristotle and how close it is, yet Aristotle said that Plato is nearest than me, and right is nearest than him, i.e., Aristotle is different from Plato in the way of acquiring knowledge. In our research of dialectic between Plato and Aristotle, we tried to navigate into the depths of this subjects in terms of distinguishing between dialectic for Aristotle and dialectic for Plato. We divided research into two parts: the first was entitled ( the Platonic dialectic ), it implied a preface through which we explained the difference between the theological dialectic and the cognitive dialectic, and what is dialectic for Plato. This part implied two themes, the first was about the Platonic knowledge basis, i.e., how to acquire knowledge according to Plato and what are the steps that must be followed to reach knowledge. Certainly, the topic of the subject is dialectic, it was explained as viewed by Plato. We find that Plato was the first philosopher to have interest in the rational and sensible and the first to research and elaborate on knowledge. As for the second theme, it was entitled the (Platonic Ideals), knowing that the first part was devoted to Plato only, and the second was devoted to Aristotle only. In the (Platonic ideals) , we find that Plato confesses that no way can better prove truth than ideals, which the shortest way towards cognitive realization. As for the second part, it was entitled the (Aristotle dialectic). It implied a preface in which we explained what is meant by dialectic according to Aristotle and how to reach ends of philosophy using dialectic. It also includes two themes. The first was about the Aristotle knowledge, i.e., what is knowledge, what are its possibilities, what are its frontiers, and how can it be acquired. All these questions are answered in this section. We find that knowledge requires some steps to pursue in thinking. These are the steps that fulfill ends of philosophy and are different from Plato's opinion on this subject. The second theme, which is the last in our research, deals with the subject of form and matter for Aristotle, in which Aristotle confesses that no knowledge without full comprehending of form and matter, they both provide the ability to distinguish things. Here Aristotle acknowledges that Plato supports this idea, but in a different way. \ Research also implied a conclusion in which we exhibited the most important results we reached. After reading the research, the reader has to understand the difference between Plato and Aristotle with regard to dialectic and what are ideals according to Plato. We concluded that Plato's philosophy is totally an expression of the Platonic ideals and dialectic is a way to reach Platonic ideals that lead to knowledge. Also, form and matter for Aristotle is an expression of Aristotle's philosophy. He made subject of form and matter the best style to reach ends, and suggests that there is nothing without form and matter except Allah, He is a primordial matter without form.